Really fun game yeah but it's nothing special

Gives me hope for the future finally a game in the series that has better bosses than kingdom hearts 2

The greatest Sonic game ever made. It is everything I want out of the franchise heartfelt stories, great and challenging gameplay. The Soundtrack of this one is just 10/10. The Werehog is alright the stages are not difficult. They tend to be fairly balanced in my experiences. The game is not perfect it is flawed in some parts and is also plagued with some misguided discissions like the sun and moon medal hunt. It is a really boring way too extend the play time in my opinion. The RPG systems felt unnecessary for Sonic und for the Werehog personally I would prefer just a shop where you buy upgrades with rings but the RPG thingy is alright too. I just favor a shop system more.

This game makes me feel miserable and I love it

This game perfectly embodies the spirit of adventure. The cast is loveable and full of live. They are really cool. Probalby some of my favorite cast members were Feena, Milda and Gadwin. Justin was great too but a bit anyoning in the beginning. The gameplay in this Video game is also solid. The dungeons are involed and fun to navigate through. The battle system and RPG mechanics are really fun and fluid. Pacing was really weird for me sometimes. It was sometimes too slow. The soundtrack was also really good. I would recommend this game purely for the sense of adventure it has and the charming story. I hope grandia 2 will improve and evlove the gameplay concepts that are presented in this game.

Fuck the Story but the parry mechanic is sick asf and great. Music is alright some tracks are really good and I am not just only talking about the vocal tracks but also the tracks that play in certain section like for example the track that plays in the chase in chapter 1 with the choppers. The difficulty balancing is also solid that also goes for the ranking system too. I like that this game wants to you to approach the enemies in a different way compare to other action games like Devil may cry or Bayonetta. It kind of reminds of old beat em ups or resident evil 4 where position really matters. It also does not care about much Variety that is in your playstyle. It rather wants you to play as efficient as you can. But yeah those things I mentioned also help and are kind of viable ways to play Devil may cry and Bayonetta except not caring for variety in the combos you should keep that in mind. I also like that you can get a no damage S rank without even using the parry. Yeah pretty good game . The story does not matter. It is entertaining like Metal solid gear 4 guns of the patriots (still stuck in the Ps3 limbo for ever trapped there). The memes of it really drag it down.

I did not talk about the music in my Persona 3 review that is why I am doing it here. I really love the soundtrack of this game. Really embodies the urban feeling and is also really charming. The sound mixing is not the most ideal but I would say in some cases the bad mixing also enhances some songs for example the loud drums in Master of Tartarus. It gives the song a punchy feel that sounds like a beat down or something like that. Oh I forgot to mention my favorite songs in the game:
1.Changing Seasons
2. Memories of the City/School
3. Living in Determination Iwatodai Dorm Mix
4. Deep Mentality
5. Darkness from The Answer
Also be writing a review for Persona 3 portable where I shortly go over about my experience with the female protagonist route.

I really loved playing portable even though I prefer FES more. I do not mind the visual novel presentation it was kind of relaxing and also really comfortable when you play it on a handheld. It also looks great on the small Psp screen. It was also my first time playing the femc route. I really enjoyed the new social links especially the Shinjiro, Junpei ones and also from the new characters like Rio and Saori. I played the game on hard but did not do a new game plus run or finished the Magaret quest. I also liked the new tracks for the femc route my favorite is probably a way of life. I really liked the femc route and I think it is a cool idea but I personally could connect more with the male main character route.

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It is a great game but I think it really did not capture the atmosphere of the original and also the new things they brought in are mostly great addtions but suffer from minor things that hold them back like the theurgy system or shifting in the combat for example. The link episode were probably my favorite new addition to the remake. Theurgy is really cool in concept but ends up being just a too strong attack that kinda destorys any kind of challenge or interessting moments. Shifiting is mostly better implemented actually. Tartarus is also really weird. On the other hand it is a improvement to the original but on the other hand it has more annoying things to deal with. The music is also a mixed bag for me. Yeah it grew on me over time but it sounds so off for me outside of the game but atleast I really like the new music and some of the new arrangements. The dialogue seemed to be maybe less subtle in reload were they just spill the beans. It just felt so off for me in certain scenes like the one with Strega and Shinjiro where he gets the persona suppressants. The new cast is great but I personally enjoy the original english voice cast more also like the cute cameos that they have in the game. But for this japanese high school game I think the japanese dub is the most ideal one. Obviously it is just my personal preference so yeah. The german translation I think was alright there were some weird errors in there. But overall I had fun with the game and it was nice to experience one of my favorite rpgs in a new and also very familiar way again. The ending was perfect they really did a great job and the new game plus title screen is just so great.

One of the sickest racing games ever made