5 reviews liked by Izma

It started off fine as we were looking for the next "modern"
- Lack of Innovation
- Repetitive Gameplay
- Unbalanced Difficulty
- Lack of Story Depth
- Technical Issues

Don't need to compare this to Souls-like games.
As someone hungry for a new metroidvania, "Hollow Knight" offers a satisfying feast. Its vast interconnected map encourages exploration, unveiling secrets and hidden paths that reward curiosity. The tight controls and precise combat mechanics provide a satisfying challenge, keeping you engaged as you encounter a diverse array of enemies and bosses.

What truly sets "Hollow Knight" apart is its artistry and storytelling. The fuckin' HAND-DRAWN visuals are stunning, creating a visually striking world brimming with personality and depth. Coupled with an evocative soundtrack, it sets the perfect tone for the eerie and immersive journey ahead.

Great game for a 2012 title, Jesus.

The environmental design is breathtaking, with every location meticulously crafted to immerse you in a dark and twisted world.

The level design rewards exploration and encourages you, allowing you to uncover hidden stories and alternative routes to your objectives.

What sets Dishonored apart is the freedom it grants you in tackling missions. You can choose to be a stealthy ghost, slipping past enemies unseen, or embrace a more aggressive and lethal approach.

The game itself ADAPTS to your choices, altering the story and the world around you. Your actions have consequences, shaping the fate of the characters you encounter and the city itself.

Finally set out to try this game.
I always hear or see the term "Arkham style combat" and wanted to try it out.

For a 2009 game this was actually very impressive although some aspects are outdated. It still holds up pretty well. The combat and enemy variety is also not great but it is good enough.

The game builds upon the strong foundation of its predecessor, delivering an even more refined and satisfying experience. With its deep and intricate combat system, expanded character customization options, and a captivating story set in feudal Japan, the game successfully captures the essence of its predecessor while adding new layers of depth.