Terraria is a really damn good game, with so much to do you can play this game over and over and still have more to do. Love this game a lot

Please play this game, it is genuinely one of the best rpgs I’ve ever played. It had a phenomenal combat system, a great story, is rather funny, and is just a game i’d recommend to just about anyone

Ok this game is really fucking good, it managed to surpass the first in almost every way and i’m only like halfway through the game.


fucking sad jesus christ
also funny sometimes but god damn is it sad

When i originally tried playing MH4U when i was younger, i never really was capable of getting into the game due to me being young and dumb. However, i think many would agree that Monster Hunter World has made the franchise more approachable than ever, and made it an incredible experience. The game has a lot of creative aspects such as it’s weapon types, monsters, and other little systems such as the slinger, and all of these are incredibly fun to use in the game (well i guess you beat the monsters but you get my point). The games combat is ridiculously fun regardless of what weapon type you use, and every monster is unique in its own interesting and fun ways, leading you to take different approaches for each one. There are SOOOO many more aspects i could dive into about this game, such as the music, the seamless areas of the maps allowing for a more interesting hunting experience, the endemic life providing interesting ways of using the field to your advantage, and so many other aspects this wonderful game has, but i would be here for forever, so i really recommend trying it for yourself.

I know people tend to shit on this game a lot (and it’s kinda fair honestly) but this game really is a personal favorite of mine. The story has kept getting better and better over the years, and at its core, destiny is still an incredibly fun game to play. easily some of the best gun play i’ve ever seen in a game, as nearly everyone weapon feels incredibly satisfying to use thanks to the games core mechanics. It totally has its faults though, like the complete inability for a new player to understand the game in any sense without the help of someone who’s been playing it for a long time.

I know this games is a major meme and all, but it is actually a really good game whenever you sit down and play it. It’s gameplay is fun, the story is a blast and is as fun as the internet makes it out to be, and it also has interesting themes about the concept of Nature Vs. Nurture and a plethora of other themes such as the concept and pursuit freedom in Blade Wolf’s story. Overall a really solid game that i’d definitely recommend

I can’t believe i can say that one of my all time favorite games is a rogue like… card game? This game is really interesting at its core, and it is SOOOOO fun to learn and play. As the game progresses and you understand it’s core mechanics more and more, it’s card battling system easily becomes one of my favorite combat systems in any game. The rest of the game also has loads of personality and charm to it that alone make it worth playing.

I personally haven’t played many RPGs up until playing this, as i never thought i would like them. Either I was wrong about me not potentially liking them, or this game is just so good i love it regardless. This game as a fantastic story i ate up every second of, and the story, characters, and smaller quests just ooze with personality and charm. The games combat system is incredibly strategic and fun while remaining simple at a glance, and it also has a lot of depth to it at the same time. I highly recommend this game to just about everyone that can play it.

A phenomenal and fun platformer with an interesting story and incredibly challenging yet rewarding gameplay.