Was really expecting more from the story, but the pacing was all over the place and ended up being a slog to get through. Visuals were pretty nice though.

Easily the best entry in the franchise. It had been a while since a video game made me cry, but this certainly made the tears flow. A perfect way to end the series.

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As a big fan of old point-and-click adventure games, I really wanted to like Secret Files: Tanguska, but unfortunately the game was not nearly as good as I was expecting.

- The story itself is halfway decent

- The voice acting might be the worst I have ever heard in any video game. Granted, this is an old game, but it felt like they just hired a bunch of people and told them to read lines without providing any context on what was going on in the scene. Although funny, over time this made it impossible to immerse myself in the game.

- Puzzles were solved in the most convoluted way possible. So much so that I was forced to randomly click/combine items with the hope that I accidentally stumble upon the solution.

As I mentioned before I love these type of games so I will be giving the sequel a chance. Hopefully it is much better than this.


Definitely enjoyed my time with Stray, but I'm not sure the $30 price tag is justified given the length of the game, which took me roughly 4.5 hours to complete.

Not sure how about this one. Felt bored half of the time, and yet I couldn't stop playing it...

Also, I was only just about finished reviewing clips from the 2nd film when the game ended. I guess I found everything I was supposed to? Cool idea, but I don't think I played the game as it was intended.

A good game that could have been even better if it weren't for the many bugs, awful writing, and questionable design decisions.

- Stunning visuals.
- Great boss battles.
- One of the best soundtracks I've ever heard.
- Decent story (basically Bioshock)
- Many different ways to play the game. You could go pure gunplay, melee, or a mix of both.

- P3 has to be one of the worst protagonists I've ever had the misfortune of playing.
- Awful writing. The jokes were never funny, no matter how many times they were repeated.
- In the open world, enemies respawn incredibly fast, meaning you could never take a breath and admire the world. The game actively punishes you for exploring. By the end, I just ran past everything just to get to the next part of the story.

It may sound like I hated the game, but in fact I still really enjoyed my experience. The fact that this was the developer's first game has me hyped for what they come out with next.

Much scarier than I expected it to be.

What was the point of this? The prologue actually makes me not want to buy this game and wait for reviews.

This was a pretty decent platformer. The puzzles were a bit too easy and did get a bit too repetitive in the 2nd half of the game, but the story makes up for it.

Enjoyable ride from start to finish. Never knew how badly I needed to be a radio DJ until Killer Frequency.

Such a disappointment... Nothing in this game stood out to me. Boring story, bland characters, mediocre music.

Pretty bummed about this one. Was looking forward to it for a while.

No matter how many times I try, I just cant bring myself to like this game. Its just so god damn boring.

-Combat is just as smooth and clean as the first game.
-Linear motorbike levels were awesome.
-Boss fight design was pretty cool.

-Not every game needs to be open world, and that is certainly true for Ghostrunner 2. The open levels felt like a chore and really ruined the flow of action.
-Same comment for the hub. The interaction between characters felt awkward.
-Game felt much easier than the first, but I could be in the minority on this one.

Overall a pretty solid game. Got very repetitive towards the end.