Put Aliens, Evil Dead and a bunch of cheesy metal albums into a blender and you get this weird but iconic S.O.B.

The core gameplay mechanics have aged surprisingly well and so have the visuals, and the higher difficulties really get your blood pumping. However, the level design starts to wear a little thin by the third chapter, and no matter how iconic it is, the soundtrack really is just average-to-bad MIDI renditions of old heavy metal songs.

Come for the first few vanilla playthroughs, stay for the hundreds of modded campaigns.

Weird pacing and obvious cost-cutting measures aside, we have the best NES Mega Man outing on our hands.

The level design is challenging in a consistent way and the powerups are more balanced than in previous titles, with the world's greatest 8-bit soundtrack to boot.

Revisitable whenever and also wherever thanks to the Legacy Collection's Switch and 3DS ports.

This is 99% just my personal nostalgia, but I don't care. I love this obscure little game.

What it lacks in length, it makes up for with fun levels, a nice ambient soundtrack and an incredible visual style combined with some of the best graphics on WiiWare.

A legal rerelease is needed ASAP.

(Yes, this is about Sonic 3 & Knuckles as a whole. I'm not using that other one with the ugly fan-edited cover.)

Intense platforming action that rewards for speed but doesn't punish for slowness, loads of replay value with the other characters' unique abilities with Knuckles practically having a campaign of his own, impressive visuals, fun cutscenes and an incredible soundtrack partially composed by Michael Jackson.

What more can I say?

Yes, it's buggy, dated, slow and harsh to new players.

However, it's also really intricate, respects the player, has an incredibly addicting gameplay loop and an unique setting that looks and feels otherwordly with its morbid but beautiful environments, memorable characters and fascinating history.

First of all: No, the D-pad controls don't bother me at all.

It's Mario 64, but better. More stars, more levels, more powerups and multiple playable characters adding depth into approaching levels. And if that wasn't enough already, there's a multiplayer battle mode and an impressive catalogue of minigames.

A simple but fun puzzle game concept irredeemably ruined by RNG.