I'm not usually very good at fighting games, but I've always liked them. I've dabbled in other Street Fighters here and there, but this is the first one I've played consistently. I've spent hours playing the World Tour mode alone. It's so fun exploring Metro City and interacting with the characters. The story is just okay, but the experience is what's fun. This is the first time I could see myself getting into a Street Fighter game's online. It's a blast.

An unfortunate buggy mess. The developers tried, but it's clear that they were unable to copy Insomniac's success. Some level concepts were cool, and the soundtrack is still decent (not Stewart Copeland's best though). It had potential, but was unfortunately crippled likely due to poor decision making from higher-ups.

A fun party game to put on every once in a while, but I'll admit there are better options out there. Probably one of the easier Mario Parties to play with people less familiar with games.

A game that was everything I wanted it to be at the time. A portable Smash Bros was mind blowing when it came out, and I played it so much more than the Wii U version. Ultimate does make it a bit redundant at this point though. Still fun, but its main appeal has kind of been surpassed.

Fun concept, but not a lot to do if you're playing single player. I can see it being fun in multiplayer though.

A fun, if somewhat repetitive adventure game. I love the presentation and voice acting, but the story itself can be a bit underwhelming. It gives the vibe of a modern day Indiana Jones, but I can see some people viewing it as style over substance. Combat is the most dated part of the game in my opinion. It relies too much on big arenas that just keep spawning waves of enemies over and over. A fun game, but has definitely been surpassed by its sequels.

By far my favorite entry in the series. One of the most fun to play multiplayer games on the Switch. I never imagined that Sora would make it onto the roster, but now he is and I'm very happy. Has a few issues with what seems to be a sort of built in input lag that can get annoying, but I'll take it over the tripping in Brawl any day. I love how customizable the rules are and that there are options for stage hazards to be turned off. If we only had one Smash Brothers game, I'd want it to be this one.

A classic for a reason. I can't say I'm very good at it, but it's one of those arcade games I can always have a good time with.

A fun, if short adventure game. The graphics are charming, and the voice acting and humor are great. It has some pretty cryptic puzzles, as is common in these early point and click games. I'd recommend using a guide if you want to make much progress. It definitely got me interested in exploring other areas of the Sam and Max franchise though.

This is one of the first game I ever played, so it holds a lot of nostalgic value. I've played through it so many times on various platforms. It definitely has some levels that are a pain to get through. Metropolis Zone always gives me trouble, and I'm sure many people got stuck on Chemical Plant Zone like I did as a kid. But the level themes and music are some of the most memorable ones the series has in my opinion. Tails is a great addition to the series, and definitely allowed me to play the game easier when I was little. Overall, it's one of the few times where I feel like a sequel can almost serve as a replacement for the original.

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It has some of the best gameplay mechanics in the entire series, but it also has its share of issues. I felt that Scarcrow and Arkham Knight were kind of underdeveloped in favor of focusing on the Joker again. I love the Joker, but his presence can be a bit excessive. Arkham Knight's identity is unfortunately super predictable, but it's a decent enough version of Jason otherwise. The Batmobile is fun to drive, but there were way too many missions focused on using it. Ultimately, I'd say it's a solid game but its story and gameplay are less consistent than the previous two Rocksteady games.

Improves on the previous game in almost every way. Combat is extremely fun, exploration is greatly improved, and the side quests are memorable. Has a super unique story for the Batman franchise at the time.

Super atmospheric, with a fun story that brings in nearly all the heavy hitting villains. The combat and stealth mechanics are still influencing games today. Can be a bit like a metroidvania at times with the backtracking, but overall this is still a great game to pick up.

Near perfect racing game for the time it came out, and it holds up quite well today. Still super fun to play and mastering the drifting can be extremely satisfying. Anyone who's a fan of Crash or kart racers should be able to enjoy this game. I'd argue it's better than the Mario Karts of its time.

I've played through this game more times than most other modern games in my collection. Has one of the best Spider-Man stories in any adaptation. Gameplay is fun and constantly engaging, if a bit on the easy side. The puzzles can be a bit tedious, but they're also skippable. Definitely one of my favorites on the PS4. The DLC chapters aren't as enjoyable in my opinion, but still have their moments.