Replayed on switch NSO. Still holds up, and little to no bug/errors. Good music, great characters, precise platforming, it's Banjo. Problem is, now I want threeie more than ever.

Spent a decent amount of time on this one. I liked the new additions.

Good top down Zelda. Weird control issues sometimes though.

It was an ok smash game. I liked the new characters.

It was a really good top down zelda from capcom.

It was an ok follow up to black ops. I had fun with zombies.

What a good remake of a classic series.

My favorite game ubisoft has ever put out. Fantastic 2d platformer, the music levels were my favorite.

Short but improved experience from the first.

2nd favorite pokemon game. What a ride. An even better version of silver.

Probably my favorite tower defense series.

Gungeon was a really fun rogue like.