1980 Space Shooter with a badass name and unique theme. This is basically Galaxian, (The game Galaga is a sequel too) which was basically Space Invaders. Your ship moves from left to right with the swing of an arc, and once per life you can shift into hyperdrive for temporary invincibility. I played this at Galloping Ghost Arcade and the title and gameplay left a long impression. Something about it is just cool as fuck for an 80’s game.

I finally beat it and it’s Pretty much an instant classic right from the get go. So much to appreciate in this tight package platformer. One of which being how weird and offbeat it is. Think about how strange of a new world Super Mario must’ve been 30+ years ago to people, that’s how original this is.

Another is the stellar level design. If you can string Peppino’s many moves together you’ll be flying through the stages at Sonic T Hedgehog’s top speed with half the effort. This game never bogs down with a particularly annoying level, or any tedious gimmicks. No Marbel Garden or Sandopolis or any lame ass stages whatsoever. The designers surprise you with new weaponry and transformations in every level but never stray from the game’s best attributes. Even the fucking stealth level is awesome.

The music persists in your head hours after playing. The sound effects are the funniest shit ever. Boss fights have incredible designs and memorable patterns, testing your speed and precision, and getting the best use out of your parry move.

Every action in this game feels like a slick achievement with crazier goals and secrets draped on top for the dedicated player. The Final Level and Boss Encounter are a new favorite. All this in a cheap game that looks and feels like Adult Swim vs 90s Nickelodeon. If you see a Game of The Year list without this, then u found someone who doesn’t know how to pizza party.

I love the sprite art, and the adrenaline rush of mowing down alien hordes in this game. But As good as it feels to shoot a gun, it gets drab when the levels here never shake things up. Just move from left to right, and fight a boss eventually.

I wouldn’t play this again unless I had a friend along.

It was a long ass time ago when I used to have a 3DS. This was back before I learned to soft mods systems like this to play whatever I please. Needless to say, Nintendo don’t come cheap. So this and the Zelda remakes are all I really touched and this right here is a childhood classic.

The raw game is so good they basically remade it twice. The space shooting takes you to a low poly parallel world. Where the Ace Pilot Animals in your merc squad say funny things as you blast up battleships and brainiac monkey menaces. When u send them to hell, you look just like your father.

This is the best kind of remake. It Retains the games original content and art style without meddling, Renews the graphics for a clearer adventure, and really just plays fucking cool.

This game used to stump me when I tried it. I now realize the trick of it; the way forward is often hidden by a fake wall or breakable block. I often miss the way to go in a room and end up backtracking just to fuck around and find where to go.

Aside from an extra floaty jump, Samus controls with a precision and her every power up is, well, empowering! This is a game you play, and understand why people would’ve raved about it when it was new. My favorite point in my playthrough was after I beat every boss and got the screwattack….

At that point, you’ve seen all this alien world has to offer, and the only thing left in your way is MOTHER BRAIN.

Very mid 2D platformer on a system with slim Pickens for such. I doubt I need to see more than the slog of mission two, Constantly stopping the player to switch characters or explain a move. What I hate is how slow they move and fall in mid-air. No momentum or flow in this game whatsoever.

Thank god they gave us infinite continues and instant respawns cuz this game was a badass 40 minutes that I couldn’t put down. Zipping around, cutting down, blasting the many robots and bosses in your way. stomping down the street all day everyday

Simply addicting Kart racer. Faster and snappier than most of its kind; I’ve been playing this since I was a kid, it’s slaps. Especially the single player adventure mode, far more engrossing than simply playing 4 tracks in a row.

The Drift system, and jumping off a hill for a huge boost never gets old.

Pretty decent story but it ran like ass on my PS3.

I’m only adding fuel to a fire but yeah man. Great fucking storytelling

I really wanna get into Sonic CD. I think it looks the best, and it has a ton of wicked ideas. Shit even the music is peak. But man, those levels, those levels are way to hard to traverse. Sonic gets cutoff from earlier areas easily and you’re constantly being bounced the fuck back and forth.

But hey, Metal Sonic, Toei Animation, Floating Planet, flower power fuck yeah

My girlfriend and I agree this went hard. It’s just 1 level, but the sound design amazing; Play next to someone at night with high volume and it’s like a home arcade.

I played it again solo. I enjoyed it a lot more, in particular the arsenal of moves you’re equipped, but it still runs a little long and it’s not balanced the way a modern SOR4 type game feels. Doesn’t need that to be fun as fuck tho.

Everybody loves Pac-Man. I had three friends on a couch passing the controller. A timeless game where we all know the rules