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JapaniKatti finished Clean The Sea
💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

In a world where the oceans are burdened by humanity's neglect, Clean the Sea! challenges you to pilot a lone vessel on a noble quest: cleanse the waters, rescue marine life, and turn the tide on pollution. As you progress in the game, you'll witness impact of your efforts, bringing life and color back to the areas that you've cleaned.

Alright, so, I really like these types of games where you do a task, get currency, improve your tools to get better at the task, then get more currency to improve your tools more, and the cycle goes on and on as long as the game goes on. This game was fun in that regard, though I feel like it would have needed some more things and better optimization in collecting and currency accumulation.

It only took an hour to 100% the game and clear all the areas currently available. It's a short game, and I feel like it would have been better if it took a little longer with more content. Sadly, you have to pay to get to the next areas, so if you focus on upgrading, you hamper your own progress and make it slower. The new trash accumulation is not fast enough for proper currency accumulation, so when you play like that it slows down a lot. Though, once you reach a bank, you can turn coins into cash and it will get a bit better.

Despite this, I did enjoy the game! I do think there could be some upgrades however: balance trash accumulation with upgrade costs, maybe add more different upgrades, the game needs to have an option to change the music volume, not just turning it on and off and the different levels could be a little bit different from each other.

I will say I recommend this game because I do think this would be a really good game with a little bit more work! The price is really good though, compared to what it is now!

21 hrs ago

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