I got this game from GameFly on a whim, I didn’t think anything of it but once I got going….oh my god I was HOOKED. Vaseraga til the day I die, I cannot wait to jump right back into this game

I don’t know what I was expecting upon completion of this game. I am absolutely amazed at how much I loved this game. The story, the characters and the side quest were all great. The beginning was a tad slow but that can be forgiven. This expands on every single story bit from the first game and improves it drastically. Truly a 10/10 experience. Fully recommend

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This….this game is the pay off to playing 8 really great games….i’ve been a fan of yakuza since I played 4 way back on the ps3, however I didn’t play through the full series until I played through Yakuza 7. Infinite wealth takes everything that worked in its predecessor and expands and improves on it ten fold. The story is excellent, the turn based combat is better than ever, and the character work is superb. There really could not have been a better end to the dragon of dojima’s story, Kiryu will forever be my favorite video game protagonist…and Ichiban is pretty awesome too.

Okay so for starters lemme say that this game is truly wonderful and I fully reccomend it…..once a few patches get released.
Let’s start with the good, this game looks amazing, I love the art style and I adore the witty dialogue. The game also has a fairly dark and compelling story. Krill is a great MC, and you truly feel his pain. Now, this game is buggy…very buggy. So much so that I lost part of my save and had to re do 4 - 5 hours of gameplay, not fun. I clipped through the floors, Inkerton boss straight up froze, and I clipped through floors. Toward the end I started cheesing enemies with the gun so I can get the ending over with. That being said I stayed for the story, I really did enjoy this game but god dang it needed some more time.

This really is in my opinion a flawless game now, there are so many quality of life improvements it’s actually crazy, new super bosses added as well. This is the definitive way to play this classic RPG and it truly stands the test of time