this game is perfect in just about every way imaginable.

waited a few years to play bc the fanbase was annoying. really enjoyed it, a lil slow, but I still really like it.

fun to play while drunk

also nahman jayden is cool

got it for $3. good hit-it-and-quit-it game.

it is very repetitive but i love cole phelps a lot so i stay hooked

i tried my best but i just don't really like it

i hate every single fan of this game but it's still one of the best games i've ever played

was fun to play through a couple times. wouldn't touch it again tho

tried it's hardest to be the EPIC fallout killer but ended up being one of the most forgettable bland open world experiences i've ever had. this is coming from somebody who 100% completed it twice. i really tried to like it.

dumb fun, beneath is a really fun mode to play

another clicker i really like. minecraft aesthetic always lures me.