i am desperate to get another game like this. you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't play it

very fun!!! play with 2 or more extra people!!!

one of rockstar's finest. one of open world's finest, frankly.

i will never not love this game. i don't care if it has flaws.

this is literally one of the most fun games i've ever played. i have as much fun @ 23 as i did @ 5.

femboy wolf twink creator simulator

excellent game, beautiful remixes of old tunes, very nostalgic

just too much 2d, even in the 3d sections for some reason. final boss is aids too

very fun game. not an rpg fan typically but i love south park so i enjoyed this one

pretty fun little game. never played the original so i can't compare it to anything.

best version of go fish i ever played

it's tf2 of fucking course i'm giving it a 5

game's pretty fucking buggy sometimes but it's really really fun and I love being stupid on it