Beautiful pixelart and unique music played on the flute an excellent farm game addressing the importance of a healthy community I love this game.

A racing game unfortunately repeats itself a lot I did 100% but unfortunately the machine is very unfair, but I had fun, it's a very short game that does 100% in 7 hours. many times my departure was frustrated by the machine like the police car that chases you all the time and if it is a rivals race your car is easier to be hit than the rivals which causes a huge imbalance, it is fun but unfair in some stages on the game map.

I love to see how this game further expands the Wario Ware series and improves on what was already great the microgames are addictive it's a standout experience for fans of the series who want to play something uncompromised.

Great cave exploration game it's super short I finished it in two hours but the value already said it would be short can I call it metroidavania? the game consists of collecting gems and selling them for money, this money will be used for upgrades and improvements to your equipment.

It was short but fun to do in my spare time.

Wonderfully ingenious and by far the most creative puzzle game I've ever played!

I love this game one of my favorites!

Zelda Minish cap is the pinnacle of pixel art characters are very expressive! gameplay very nice to play! Vaati is a very remarkable villain for having his plans always ahead of the heroes, the sound track is very remarkable in the series, it doesn't even seem like a 2004 game has aged super well!

I have no words for how important Animal Crossing was to me! I met friends thanks to this game and with over 900 hours of gameplay!
franchise perfect

It was the first game I bought for my Nintendo 3DS and for me the most beautiful game that the late Alpha Dream made, unfortunately it went bankrupt and the future of the Mario and Luigi series was lost... but Dream Team was made in 2013 to celebrate the year of Luigi, a year that was very special for Mario's younger brother, the creativity of each area, the crazy things that exist in dreams, everything is incredible and fun! the OST made by Yoko Shimomura is also a show apart from the colors used in the game, it always brings me great satisfaction to see that world.

Beautiful game! perfect soundtrack to this day I'm struggling to choose who to marry! Agate? or Licorice? who knows Elise? there are so many!! the soundtrack of this game is very remarkable even if its speed is enormous compared to previous games, several new animals to have new crops! of course there are special items from the Super Mario Franchise!

Seventh game in the series where its innovation was to use gliders to cut paths or run underwater without fear of being happy!
I believe this was one of the novelties at the time when Mario Kart falling into the water was something that was penalized as it lost speed Mario Kart 7 could go without losing so much speed and win a race even in this year of 2023 it's amazing how your online can be so active i love it! Mario kart is always fun and its replay value is endless!

Mario 3D land is beautiful I have a lot of fun today creative levels multiple routes to his iconic theme that sticks in your head so much fun!

Kirby Battle Royale has great potential that turned out to be a laboratory for future kirby 3D games it even looks like a kind of RPG but it's just a Party game with few variations it had a lot of lost potential it has around 10 mini games with time and it alternates between greater difficulties as the levels go by, it has a story with a good sense of humor and a cake as a reward for the winner and of course this is already the reason for Kirby to go to this tournament, the soundtrack is always based on the main theme where it changes several times sometimes her style, it has clothes that make references to other characters from the Kirby series but it's just cosmetic and a fanservice for the fans, the online mode was stillborn unfortunately so yes... if you want to do it 100% you will have to suffer in single mode player to accumulate coins, Battle Royale will be remembered in a few years or maybe not and will just be forgotten in time, if this game had more than 50 game modes I would certainly have even more fun! and by far it was the most difficult Kirby to do 100% because it is massive and accumulating coins is not easy.

Classic pokémon with one of the best regions in the franchise!

Direct continuation of Harvest Moon GBC 3 and last console story centered on helping Shara prosper her farm and you will help her in the process who knows you might even marry her a great game for those who want quick matches every day and get to know the franchise on gameboy Color.