Played this with friends and it was absolutely iconic.
For starters, I'm actually not sure what the game is called - the steam page suggests both "TryAndLove" and "I Have a Date with a Beauty".

This game suffers (or benefits) from a horrible translation which made the plot nearly incomprehensible. You had to kinda guess what each dialogue option could mean and even with context clues, it was hard to tell. The Dark Souls of dating games, if you will.

Here's what I think I know:
Our best bro is either an escort or some kind of e-sports player. We also might be his sugar daddy.
One of the love interests might be a news anchor or a dancer on a streaming platform. She's talking about getting PKs a lot, which I interpreted as player kills.
Our childhood best friend might want to fight us in a park. I think we were also in a fake relationship to appease her father?
Another lady is our former teacher and she has a brother. You can touch her brother's leg for no reason and she loves it. At some point, the brother turns into your brother. The family dynamics are pretty confusing with this one.

The comedic value of this game is immense, although I don't think this was planned by the devs.

A point-and-click adventure with an extremely unique sense of style. The game brings baroque paintings to life - it's just wonderful to look at.
Mechanically, it's nothing to write home about, combing rather easy puzzles with humour that's rather hit-or-miss. Personally, I wasn't that amused by it but Four Last Things still felt oddly charming.

The experience itself is rather short but I think it's worth it for the art style alone.

There's something to be said about my incredibly strong bond with a one hour long visual novel that was made in under a week more than 10 years ago.

Questionable controls, some bad voice acting, uninspired gameplay - under all of this lies a game that could have been awesome.

Unfortunately, it takes itself incredibly seriously (unless you reach the ending, at least), even though the story itself is nothing more than mediocre, often times confusing.
Some sequences can only described as boring, a few times even tedious.

Yet, Alone in the Dark has a great atmosphere and honestly, wonderful level and environmental design. I did quite like the transitions between places, they looked amazing.
My favourite part was, in truth, the ending. It felt like it was written by a completely different team and seemed truly exciting and fun.

Really wish the entire game was like that.