7 reviews liked by JennySandwich

play like SHIT but miles ahead of valorant

i dont know because in this game uncharted cant climb as good or shoot as funny so im not having a fun time and also I hate it. but its ok

Right after beating this game i stubbed my toe real hard and it hurt but anyway very good game i like Heather she has a lot of charisma and i like the more focus on gameplay rather than story (story is still very good btw) i think theres some small dips here and there but otherwise a very good game.

this was my shit as a kid, and i finally took the time to beat it today. (FUCK THE VOLCANO LEVELS)

there's nothing really special about pac-man world 2, it's kind of generic, but it works. the levels aren't original at all, you've got the basic volcano level, ice level, water level, etc, but they're fun to explore and can be challenging later on. (especially the volcano)

the bosses in this game are inconsistent. the first boss, clyde's frog is fairly unique, but after that become reskins of eachother until the final two bosses, which aren't all that special.

the music in this game is really good!! nothing crazy but b doing woods, pac-dot pond, and scuba duba have really fun tracks.

the game is short and most of the time spent will probably be on the volcano levels, which take a crazy spike in difficulty for seemingly no reason.

i think this game is good. but if you're not someone who has a connection to pac-man, it's not worth your time.

heather mason is the best protagonist ever

games cool games real good

james sunderland is the worst protagonist ever

games perfect

games real perfect