Just finished a Team Ninja game. Nope. You cannot convince me, that THIS is the peak action game. I feel like vomiting everytime I touch the controller.
I got to Mulan's world and I instantly gave up on this game, even though I liked the beginning.

I feel like the game is similiar to other Team Ninja games, but the difference here was the FF setting.
You can call me trash, but this is more Final Fantasy, than the last two mainline games were.
I thought the story was adventurous and fun, the music was awesome, the characters were charming, the combat was varied and cool, the dungeons were colorful. Pretty much everything exceeded my expectations.
The bosses, with 2 or 3 exceptions, were kinda easy, but your experience can differ by the job you play with. There were no bullshit bosses like Wo Long, and Elden Ring had, and that probably uplifted my enjoyment of the game.

So yeah, from the very first CHAOS meme, I've always wanted to play this, and now that its in the PS Plus library, theres no reason to not give it a try.

I have to commend this one, because I atleast finished it, but I don't really know what made me come back to it from time to time. It was the most boring FF entry I have finished yet.
The story was boring me to death.
I didn't believe for a second the character were talking to eachother in the same realm.
I hated the voice acting, because everyone is doing a batman impression. Ben Starr is the worst offender of this.
Main Content felt like side-content, and the side-content didn't even feel real, how basic and mind-numbing they were.
I fell in love with the FF franchise because of the memorable, catchy music, and for this game to go on the boring trailer orchestra music route, it was heartbreaking.
This is not an rpg at all, which is like if Burger King were only selling chicken wings. Just name the game something different goddammit! No magic, no cool equipments, no mana. Nothing.
The combat is piss easy, there isnt even a phoenix down, because if you die during a boss battle, they give checkpoints every phase, and upon respawning the max amount of healings. The only reason for you to learn the combat system, is to haste the proccess of taking down the damage sponges of bosses.
They will give you flashy numbers like 5600 HP!!! 39000!!!!, but in reality, that amounts to like 1mm on the bosses healthbar.
Very disencouraging to play the "Jingling of Keys, The Game".
There were no bugs. That is commendable.

There were moments, where I felt like I was somewhat in awe of what was happening, but there's no fucking way that this justifies the amount of money I paid for an empty world, with empty people in it, in a empty story.

Reasons to play this:
-Very good looking combat, with satisfying parrying
-Cool boss animations, and fair fights.
-Neat level designs
-Nicely separeted weapon variety.
-character creator(finally, it's easy to create pretty faces)
-Morale Flag collecting.(idk, it just felt satisfying everytime to mark a flag)

Reasons to cry:
-Some "bosses"
-Enemy variety is lacking in the missions
-The cutscenes are so badly directed, that it's like they read the script backwards. Henceforth, I didn't care about the characters.
-Most of the music is uninteresting or annoying.

Overall, I felt great after every completed mission, and I stood up from the game very positively, even with it's problems.

Numerous copy+paste areas and bosses. Too much traveling, and I hated most of the bosses, 'cause of how obvious their input reading was. Exploration can be great though. I also find the lore uninteresting.