3 reviews liked by Jesskyaa

As a tactical RPG fan, this game seemed like a great concept with a strong chance to be a game I thought was great. In the end though, it’s just……merely good. I think the gist of the Polygon review seems right to me, that this game ultimately doesn’t trust the player enough to enjoy the game on any level other than the one it can present, so it’s constantly presenting things to you. It’s interesting and strange that this approach is paired with a choice system, but the length of time it takes to watch scenes, make choices, and get to the next battle just breaks apart the flow of what should be the focus - the tactical battles, my choices regarding character progression, deployment, and usage. I love when games let me learn their systems, then unleash my proficiency of those systems on it. Triangle Strategy’s slow progression to match the frequent long story scenes, that I think are actually undercut by the choice mechanic and branching paths. Final Fantasy Tactics, the seminal tactical RPG, is, I think, so good in part because it has something to say, a story to tell, where Triangle Strategy has a flow chart to progress you through. Maybe I’ll come back to this, but I’ve had to put it down and move on for now.

While my sister would actually play the game and move up the social ladder, i'd just dumpster dive everywhere she went.

my grandpa used to get really mad at me for not taking bowling seriously when we would play together