i have a collection of 5 lonks

technically a 9.9

cant wait for the lowain drop right cygames

just got past the first act. good novel that comes with a dopamine boost every holiday. shoutouts to my new fellas btw god i love dripped up lowain & co.

autobattle brings so much joy

fantastic ds game! outstanding graphics, nonredundant terraforming system, and engaging characters (real for like 2 guys)!! cant wait for mainline pokemon games on the wii! itll be revolutionary!!!!!!

solving this blindly was a great experience man

i WILL get beyond D rank one day... eventually...

story is aight
needs less repetitive dialogue
down a star for being the future of zelda

never liked ark, so im not really into the survival mechanics as well. also wish building was better.
other than that pals are kinda cool.

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what do you MEAN "and his trusty sidekick" trish you kicked and zapped dante then died for him this is not sidekick behavior

otherwise great game that shows its age, with its weird bosses and fixed cameras that kinda got in the way for me. not too badly tho imo.

yeah i should play base wind waker one day buuuut

shiny game!
also played the story, neat story that got me more interested than i thought at first and loved doing hard bosses. grand bruise is also great!

this game is so fun to get beat the shit out of i swear