42 reviews liked by Johnwicksdog

noriko kurosawa i will treat you right <3

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big fan of the "oh yay i turned into butterfly-adjacent :)" to "wait did i just create an entire universe?" to "oh shit no, that guy did LMAO" pipeline at the end there

a guide on steam said "if you want this game to be hard, be paranoid. otherwise, this game is easy" and unfortunately, i am so paranoid that i could only play one night at a time bc my fear would get the better of me.

i have watched multiple playthroughs of all the games. i know how it works and how to win, and i know exactly what to expect, so why the fuckkkkkk does seeing bonnie in the doorway scare the absolute shit out of me? why am i shaking so badly that i can't click the lights on and off?
i love how scared i am of something i am so familiar with, and it's honestly incredible that practically 10 years later i am still jumpscared by things i know are coming.

actually really genuinely loved the hours that i played and i will definitely come back to this.

i loved the aesthetic and many aspects of the story. perhaps one playthrough isnt enough to get all of it (currently only missing 4 achievements, one of them being a 22 card deck), but i wish that abramar was.... more. more involved in the story, more connected to fortuna, etc. the declarations of love at the end felt a bit unearned to me. i felt, as a player, that i barely knew him, despite wanting to know more, but the political campaign took over so much of the story. i ended up choosing to play support to dahlia, so perhaps if i chose to run myself i would've seen more of abramar, so i will have to do that next time. maybe my rating will change!

only played the first two modules, since they have the updated english localization. but i LOVE the atmosphere a lot. the translation still leaves a bit to be desired, BUT i am definitely picking it back up once they finish going through and editing the rest of the modules!

there's something so special about having grown up watching my dad play the original doom and then getting to come full circle as my daughter watches me play doom eternal. playing this felt especially good because of that :)

i wish that it was longer, but the shortness (since all of the events happen in the same day) makes sense, based on what happened right before the story starts. but i did really enjoy it! i liked having "aha!" moments when i realized what needed to be done next ;w;

(as someone who was raised in an extremely strict, very religious household, i do wonder if the religious themes and plot beats hit as hard for people who have no religious background. being told as a child to be afraid of satan/lucifer and living with that for decades makes even reading the name uncomfortable for me, which i think really adds to the overall experience of the game)

i still have a ton of things to do, but i got my first ending and this game really is as good as everyone says it is ;w; im so happy that i still have more content to play and things to learn about the world. maybe someday i'll get good enough at it to get all of the achievements~