42 Reviews liked by Johnwicksdog

"i know i cannot expect everyone to be understanding. it is a continual struggle to feel truly accepted by everyone. but im ever hopeful. i have my own pride and dignity.
if i betray myself first, then what meaning would integrity have at all for me?"

this game was so beautiful. i almost wish i hadnt played it just so that i would get to read it again.

the aesthetic and lore of this game is truly something else... plus i will never get over the thrill of beating bosses after throwing myself at them for a while, no matter what game its in lmao

this game was INCREDIBLE. from the very first minutes of playing i was already sad knowing that it would eventually be finished; i would love to experience it anew again and again and again.

this game made me way happier than i ever could have imagined it would. the visitors are adorable, the art is divine, and while so many people say a game is "relaxing" even when its not... this one really, REALLY is :’)


"hmmmm there's a button over there. perhaps i should press it"

i think one of the things i loved the most about DA2 is how it all happened in one place. i liked that things were so political, i liked seeing hawke's life--and the lives of their companions--change over the years. i especially liked how every story-line, even the ones that seemed inconsequential, were all tied together in the end.

it doesn't stand up to da:o, but i don't want to compare them because it feels unfair. but i will say that even if the entire game sucked, it would all be worth it just to see alistair towards the end and hear him talk about his wife back in ferelden, my grey warden <3

it always makes me laugh when darryl is the only person who asks nancy wtf she was doing digging in jake's locker. everyone else is just like "eh, idk why [clue] was in there."

after botw i knew i needed to look at totk as a separate game from the rest of the zelda series, bc while both are very good, they dont feel like zelda games usually do, which lead to me being initially disappointed in botw when it first came out. getting to go into totk knowing it would be more like botw than it would be like all the previous zelda games made it the delight that it is.

its truly amazing how everything from botw was taken and improved upon. the same map was expanded and made to feel new, new mechanics that are vastly more useful were added (although i do miss my remote bombs, still), and getting to play in a world where people recognize link has a special kind of charm that makes me think of the oracle of ages/seasons games.
i am very easily swayed emotionally, so towards the end i was crying pretty hard. even if the game format isn't classic zelda, the characters are still the same, and i love them all so very, very dearly.

now that i have 100+ hours in hsr, i can definitely say that i genuinely love it and see myself playing it for years to come. <3

i love roland so bad its not funny anymore

if the plan is to release a full game, i am sooooo in. for what it is, i like it. extra half star because the character designs are so fucking sexy i am just blown away

looking at this game made my eyes feel happy. its so, so, so pretty.
the gameplay is fun too, but definitely on the shorter side. starting off can be a little difficult, but after the first playthrough you kind of figure out what you need and what to do to get to endgame production levels super quickly, which kind of takes the fun out of it.
however, i definitely see myself coming back to play the creative mode, because like i said before: its so fucking pretty!!

i am terrified of deep water, so idk why i was compelled to play this game, but i'm glad i did! very much looking forward to coming back to get the rest of the achievements, but for now i need a break from underwater eldritch horrors before my mind snaps <3

whenever i truly love something, words always seem to fail me. i can't think of anything that would do bg3 justice, and trying to reduce it into a "this game has astarion in it!" (which is a very wonderful, very positive aspect of the game) doesn't seem fair.

i will be carrying this game in my heart and mind, always.