This DLC reveals where that Keeper you missed was. Oh well

So... Anyone wanna tell Harkon that the Simpsons already did his plan??

You can't deploy a nuclear assault on the feels after 2 hours or mindless shooting. It ain't right

Those Canadians deserved getting lasered

Innacurate as hell, all players showed and the DM didn't cancel last minute

Would be perfect if not for a certain inventory destroying glitch that made me quit for like 2 years (me still salty)

Stealth Suit, me loves you, but please stop injecting me drugs

The one true phantom thief Kasumi

Just a reminder no one's allowed to be happy in this franchise

Being able to RKO a giant croc man is worth the price

They made the perfect Michael Jackson boss fight, yet weirdly gave it to Corey Haim

It can cast Fireball but Rock type!!

Making a dialogue-less NPC mariageable is the epitome of modding

Sure, it breaks the game to have a double jump, but me gets to float!!