3 reviews liked by JustUnseen


Honestly, like many others have said, it’s also my favorite co-op shooter. I’ve never played a game that has all what Helldivers 2 offers before. Satisfying weaponry, tons of armaments to choose from, highly detailed environments that just immerses you into its dangerous worlds, little details like (diving into water will clean your outfit of grime/blood, traversing through bushes will slow you down, injuring a body part will hinder your Helldiver’s performance, etc.), enemies that will make you feel scared, heroic, badass, etc., action’s turned to 11 at times, and friendly-fire accidents just add to the unpredictability of the gameplay.

It’s a blast with friends (pun-intended) and even randoms, but only problems I’ve heard and experienced are: sometimes can’t enter the game (at least not immediately) ‘cause servers fill up quick, sometimes can’t spectate teammates when you’re dead, and low frame rate after playing for a while.

Overall, I’m doing my part and greatly enjoying my most fun title yet this year.

Some of the best sequels ever are the 2nd entry in a franchise:
Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Dark Knight, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Mass Effect 2, Batman: Arkham City, Red Dead Redemption 2, etc. And this game is no exception.

Truly a masterfully crafted game that balances compelling storytelling & acting, smooth and fluid gameplay, smart A.I., and lifelike visuals and surpassed the original as my favorite game of all time. This title will and still remain with its players and fans. One of the few games I wish I could experience for the first time, all over again… and yes I was paid for this review 😉

An amazing sequel that really pulls you in and keeps you hooked until the very end.

Saga's and Alan's dual dynamic campaign is really well done in that each character feels distinct from one another in terms of environments and missions. The art direction is next-level, really immersive. Combat is much more engaging than its predecessor. And audio is fantastic and nails the eerie and at times unsettling atmosphere.

Overall, an absolute must-play survival horror game-- blending highly detailed environments, clever jump scares, narrative that hooks you, and satisfying combat into a well polished experience from start to finish-- even if you haven't played Alan Wake I or only watched a recap of it.

2 lists liked by JustUnseen

by Vxprr |

17 Games