195 Reviews liked by Juverth08

oooooh i love this game so much it was my #1 for such a long time please pleas eplease pla y it one of the best jrpgs in existence

I've tried to play this title maybe 4 or 5 times, even though I enjoyed immensely each time I could never see it through to the finish, maybe I will with pixel remaster version one day

not the games fault, but for every final fantasy game ive been interested in, ive already played an rpg that tosses it under the bus. this was no exception (with earthbound dominating it personally). what i love about FF6 the most is the concept and illustrations from yoshitaka amano. for me i thought everything besides the combat was underbaked. the art and characters had a great setup but ultimately lost my interest. though i understand why people loved it at the time of its release and it does hold up better than most games of the era. i do want this game to be remade really, i would eat that shit up

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Not many games I recall where the villain essentially wins and destroys the planet. You literally have to rebuild with just Celes as she contemplates suicide instead of pressing forward.

Some of it is likely nostalgia, but this is one of the greatest games I have ever played. Will continue to play through it every few years.

One of those games you hear about for years, people calling it one of the best jrpgs of all time... i should've listened earlier

i really didn't expect it to be so good
storytelling on the SNES peaked here, earthbound WHO???
the combat in this game ESPECIALLY FOR THE TIME is amazing, so fun, addicting, just a jam, a fun and genuine video game.

Right off the bat, I adore this game and it is one of my favorite stories ever. I do admit though, it has more issues than some of my other favorites just due to how old it is. It is one of the first games to try to have as in-depth a narrative as it did and it shows in areas. Still, that doesn't hold the story back enough for me to not feel so many emotions while playing it. A story full of amazing characters that is thematically focused on the importance of connection and persevering through the most extremes forms of darkness together. So many moments that swell me up and boasts quite possibly Uematsu's masterwork. Oh and also has the character that my name comes from :)

Man this was such a good game.
The way the game explores its themes of love it's not only fascinating but execute perfectly thanks to its terrific protagonist, Terra who actually rivals Cecil as my favorite game protagonist of all time.
The cast in itself is wonderful to: Celes, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, CYAN (my beloved) are all amazing and have really good moments in the story.
Admittedly I think the game could have done more with Strago and Relm and I didn't use Setzer that to get that attached to him (not to mention the other 3 who are just there to fill up space) but it's also one of the biggest casts in all final fantasy, which is really impressive for the time it came out, so it's inevitable that not all of them are winners.
The gameplay is really fun too; personally I'm not too much of a fan of systems like the esper one, I feel like it makes the characters too alike toward the endgame but everything else is really good, especially the dungeon design which it's genuinely one of the best in the genre imo (fuck the Cultist Tower though, all my homies hate the Cultist tower)
I have some other stuff I personally wasn't a fan of but they're mostly just pet peeves, this game is stellar and definitely one of the best in the entire series.
I want to marry Cyan (and Shadow) (and Sabin) (and maybe Edgar)

Hermoso, es mi juego favorito de la vida

Sin duda alguna es el mejor FF de la era 2D, y muy probablemente es en general de los mejores RPG que existan, todo su elenco es tan dinamico y su historia para ser de esos tiempos es atrapante en todo aspecto, la banda sonora de igual forma es iconica y esta totalmente a la altura, Final fantasy 6 es un juego que es obligatorio si te gustan los JRPG

good ASS. final fantasy 7 is for goo goo gag a

Youtuber voice: Final fantasy 3, known as final fantasy 6 in japan

It is impossible for a RPG to be better than FF6.
The ambition in the staging and storytelling of this story. The lovable characters and the efficient game design. The Uematsu soundtrack.
It just works so well together

sprite work is gorgeous and gameplay is great, i can see why this is an snes staple.

honestly I started this then forgot to play it for the last 2 weeks and now im not really in a JRPG mood so I'm just gonna come back to this later.

I promise to actually play it next year though 🐟

Jogo incrivel e emocionante, literalmente é cinema e opera em um jogo 2d. a cada passo da história ela se torna mais cativante, o fato dos protagonistas perderem e o vilão ganhar é muito bom. trata de temas importantes como niilismo, suícidio e abandono. pontos ruins: encontros aleatórios involuntários com mobs e personagens jogaveis sem tanto desenvolvimento, apenas uns 8 dos 14 você vai realmente se importar