195 Reviews liked by Juverth08

Building mechanic is fun, sights are beautiful, story is generic and a little underwhelming. Defiinitely a good iteration on breath of the wild, but I do miss some traditional Zelda game stuff.

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It's a good game, but situations in my life kept me from finishing the game and I haven't gotten back to it. It's a good game that has refreshed the map into a whole new story.

Really enjoyed this game. Felt like there were some empty parts of the world that felt a chore to get through, but overall the gameplay and story were satisfying

I don't know, this game is weird. As somebody who absolutely loved Breath Of The Wild and near 100%'d that game. I had really high hopes coming into Tears Of The Kingdom. After around 20 hours of playing this game I kind of just got bored of it and moved on to other games. I can't really pinpoint the exact reasoning of why I moved on so quickly. The exploration in this one felt less enjoyable even in the new underground map, I got bored with the construction after 40 minutes and the dungeons felt just as empty as the first game. I'm not sure if the game just hasn't clicked with me yet or if this one is just not for me. I'm glad everyone seems to be loving it though

People will drag me for this, but I just can’t get into BotW or TotK. I love old school Zeldas and these new ones just make me feel dread when playing them. Probably why I don’t like Starfield or have put off playing Cyberpunk. I HATED the building stuff…I just can’t get into building in games like that. I totally get why most rate this 5 stars and see that it’s a good game. Would rate 1 star, but I know that’s not fair to the overall sentiment of this game.

Re-reviewing since I have finished my fifth playthrough. My feelings are still the same as they always were. Best story/cast/soundtrack/gameplay in the franchise. The storytelling needed to be linear which brings it down a tiny bit but not the abomination the internet is making this game out to be. The reused map is fine, people are really underselling how much has actually changed. The addition of caves and seeing how the land was impacted brought back that sense of exploration for me. The Depths are fun to run around in and fight bosses/enemies. The Sky is a great place to just relax and stare at the sunset, or do a Sky Diving Challenge or play around in low gravity. Overall, still an incredible game.

Si botw era tan bueno, tenía que salir botw 2
Igual de excelente que el anterior y mucho más amplio aunque la historia es algo meh (el doblaje latino lo salva) y en si se perdieron algunas cosas de botw pero sin duda es un juegazo

I feel really conflicted on this game. On one hand it´s amazing, a phenomenal and truly magical experience with a sense of wonder that is unmatched in relation to most games. But on the other hand, it feels kinda underwhelming.
I was one of those people that wanted this game to carve his own identity , and fixing botws problems , but it´s botw 2, which is fine, but not exactly what i wanted. It fixed some of botw problems by expanding on the gameplay loops, but the combat is basically the same, which isn´t great. The enemy variety is barely improved, because they use it soo much across the game, that it ends up feeling samey. The sky and the depths at first were a joy to explore, with everything i wanted, but as the game went on , those became less interesting, since the same things started being reused again and again.But they were still fun, as for the overworld, it´s ok, i rushed botw so i don´t really know if they did a good job remixing it or not, i did like seeing the changes, but in some places it felt like there was less there than in botw, like the shrine of resurrection or the forgotten temple. Most of this games problems stem from the fact that it´s too reliant on botw, like the story structure, that doesn´t work at all for this game, or the doubled down , handholding of the story in regards to the dungeons. It becomes kinda predictable knowing that korok seeds and shrines are the only thing that mostly ocupies the world. Shrines are much better this time around, even if repetitive , they are very fun. Speaking of which the abilities and the physic system are awesome, but the drawback is that it makes designing complex dungeons or puzzles very complicated.
Building vehicles is fun but very restrictive due to the piece requirement. The dungeons are ok for the most part, the fire temple was very good , even though it was easily cheesable (but it is a guilty pleasure to cheat ) , the desert temple was fun as well , the others were ok ( the water temple kinda sucks).
I love this game, even though it has many flaws , the intro and the end are the highlights of the game, and it made me appreciate this game much more, It also made me appreciate botw a lot more. It´s hard to strike a balance between criticizing and praising, in order to express your thoughts and feelings , but ultimately , despite it all it´s manages to be one of my favorite games of all time.

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Tears of the Kingdom in a lot of ways is superior to BOTW,but the world is fundamentally the same as the previous game.
In zelda games I always look forward to new worlds and characters
I don't think I will ever go back to BOTW and beat the entire game again since now I have TOTK,there's all sorts of new additions that make TOTK the better experience by exploring this world or Hyrule,by saying that I don't think it's necessary to play BOTW before this,you'll be saving yourself a lot of time by just skipping it and moving on
If you're thinking about replaying the game again to refresh your memory on the world building,again don't bother
These games just spend a lot of time with exploring and you're better off starting off with the better version
There's all new ways to traverse through the grand kingdom of Hyrule,it's not just walking on foot or riding a horse
There are these new futuristic looking devices called Zonai Devices that you can get by spending the new Zonaite currency
You can make cars,you can make hovercrafts,jet planes
It really let's you get creative and wild with your imagination and I think a lot of zelda fans are going to enjoy this
You can easily get lost in the new world underneath hyrule called The Depths with these things,the main story doesn't necessarily take you here but you can visit it every now and then whenever you wanna take a break from the surface and the story
My favorite part of the game is definitely visiting each of the sky islands,figuring out the best way to reach these places
The clothing that you get from some of these sky islands enables you to roam freely while skydiving more and it was definitely my favorite armor pieces to wear
Now I wanna talk about that 70 dollar price tag on the game,I don't think the new additions necessarily warrant such a price
The game doesn't feel next gen in any way,it looks almost exactly the same as the prequel that released over 6 years ago
Um I've seen games with these sorts of gaps look better then the previous installment released on the same console
But I know the graphics department isn't nintendo's strongest suit
I also found the game lagging on some ends whenever I come across multiple enemies,when I'm moving around too quickly,when there's explosions happening
All these things happened in botw and I was wishing they would have fixed it by now and some of these hardware problems make me wish that they holded off on making the sequel for the next console because a lot of the game does feel more of the same from BOTW
Both games are fantastic and filled with fun and exploration and you're gonna be spending a lot of hours on TOTK
I didn't get to do everything in the game but if I'm being honest,the amount of content in game can be overwhelming and feel bloated
Most of the side quest rewards have you receiving better weapons,different pieces of armor so in the long run you can kinda figure what you're going to get in these types of side missions
One thing I haven't touched up on are the "temples" that are definitely an improvement from the divine beasts from the previous installment,Fire and Wind temples were my favorite and their boss fights were epic and grand and they made me feel like a total bad ass
But these dungeons don't hold a candle to the dungeons from the classic zelda games,they just don't but I still appreciate the developers in trying to give us something that we (the fans)were asking for
Um the shines,most of em are fun
Most of em are just Rarru's blessing in disguise
I'm (believe it or not) one of those people who prefer quality over quantity
I did not need over 150 shrines placed all throughout the skies and surface of Hyrule
I don't need 40 hearts,realistically I only needed about 25 to finish the game comfortablely
I honestly would have wanted a 4th stamina wheel because I enjoy climbing and gliding a lot.
TOTK was a blast and something that holded me over during the holidays and it was a nice escape from reality
Definitely goty nominee material but not my personal goty because a lot of it reminds me too much of BOTW,and again the magic is just gone because I have explored that same world once before but there's plenty of changes sprinkled throughout the game that'll get you going

I remember watching the first ever teaser for Tears of the Kingdom back in 2018, when it was known as Breath of the Wild 2, and just being completely captivated by how eery and mysterious it seemed. With every new trailer or snippet they released in the following years, I grew so incredibly excited and eagerly waited for what felt like eternity for it to finally be released.

And when it did, five years later, I got it A DAY EARLY OMG. When I tell you Tears of the Kingdom changed my life all over again I’m being so for real. How I wished for that feeling of playing Breath of the Wild for the first time again, and it was achieved through Tears of the Kingdom.

What a masterpiece, I cannot believe how much I love this game.

Not much to say other than this game is unbelievably phenomenal. Greatly expands the original. I feel everyone has said what I would say, so all I will say is to play it, please.

Cool new mechanics and fun way to incorporate a changing map, but a large portion remains the same, and feels just like replaying breath of the wild