195 Reviews liked by Juverth08

pretty fun music good slowpoke cute

a lot of little improvements over gen 1, especially the art, but is still just a matter of pressing the a button over and over again until you beat it.

Better than Gen 1 for Hoenn being a better region and for the content but is bogged down by a lot of the same issues

It's neat, but ultimately befalls in the extreme paddling that is the Kanto region.
Is it impressive and factually awesome that they got it all on a single GB cartridge, all while expanding on what happened to some old faces? Well of course it is.
The use of the gb color capabilities makes it an standing game in the franchise for this point in time, and the fact that every mon has a field entry animation is not to be undertaken.
Eh, sure, play it. Don't forget your 4x/8x speed modifier tho.

Pokemon Crystal, or specifically Gen 2, is what everyone claims to be one of the best games in the series next to Gen 5, and I can kinda see why now upon beating it. The game itself has made numerous quality of life changes 3 years after the first games came out. Things that I can remember are an exp bar underneath to specify how close your Pokemon is to levelling up, your map is now stored on your phone called the PokeGear, and the select button can be used as a hotfix for any key item set there like a bicycle.

Crystal added so many new features into this that would be added, or refined, in future installments. New types were added not present in gen 1, being the Steel and Dark types, more Pokemon to play with in the Johto region AND the Kanto region when you play the post game, a radio feature which...I found pointless, new Poke Balls to create in Azalea Town, and a day and night cycle which took the Game Boy's battery and turns it into a digital clock for exclusive Pokemon in the moning, day, or night. It was such a monumental moment for Pokemon as a whole.

But the game however is still a little braindead with its behaviour. Such as the fact you can still go overlevel your team before the first gym, dark types are semi stronger than steel, and certain special Poke Balls not working properly. Either way you slice it, it still makes Gen 2 a solid game to play though. But just like Gen 1, you're better off playing the remake on DS. Good luck finding a copy though just like the next generation I'm tackling.

One of the most tight, wonderful Pokémon experiences you can have, and one of the best RPGs on the Game Boy Color, such a beautiful, delightful game.

one of the best games in the series, definitely worth picking up despite its age. the designs and the way they play with such limited space, palette, etc is really impressive and there’s content i’m still finding in gen 2 years later

[Ref Played 2020] I'd only recommend this to Pokémon fans that like to mess around with game-breaking bugs for fun
Pros: It sure is a Pokémon game, it is fun to completely destroy the game with glitches but that's about it
Cons: The game is a Gameboy game and its clear, its painful to play through with everything from outdated controls and UIs to painful visuals, however if you want a Pokémon game to mess around with glitches in this is the best option

Underrated when it comes to Pokemon imo