195 Reviews liked by Juverth08

these games suck, I don’t get it. “What if Minecraft was more rote and boring”, deranged premise. Phenomenal art and music.

I like a lot of AAA games and usually can understand the appeal of the ones that I don’t enjoy but these new Zeldas are completely inscrutable to me, there’s a fundamental disconnect where I can’t process why people think they are good.

Je suis vraiment déçu de zelda TOTK, vu que j'ai poncé BOTW j'avais d'énnormes attentes pour la suite, le premier jeu était parfait mais avait quelques défauts assez évidents (temples élémentaires assez simples, les 400 shrines à la con, les noix korogu, le scénario assez absent,...)

J'ai énnormément été déçu de revoir tout dans la suite du jeu, tout ce qui fonctionnait à été amélioré, ce qui est bien, mais ce qui ne fonctionnait pas est resté le même et ça à gâché mon expérience.

Worse than BOTW, the ultra hand mechanics r just worse than the original tablet ones imo. Story was just barebones - it's just BOTW but again because that made lots of money.

It is a natural and seamless sequel to a near-perfect game. There are so many new ideas here that it feels like more than just BOTW2. But there is so much here that it is overwhelming. The tight experience of BOTW is lost here in exchange for more toys to play with and more spectacle to witness. This isn't a bad thing, but it is less striking than BOTW. I still recommend it. And if you haven't played BOTW, honestly, you can skip it for this.

Absoluta obra de arte, mejor que el anterior en todos los sentidos.



I really enjoyed playing through this, I had so much fun with it. For a fps from the 90's, it has surprisingly held up very well. The levels were short and sweet with the perfect amount of challenge. The only issue that I had was keeping track of what switches did what. I found myself running around in circles for a few minutes a couple of times because I couldn't figure out what the switch I hit just did. Though I wasn't around to experience what it was like to play this game at the time it came out (I was born in 1998 lol), I can imagine how iconic this was when it came out. I can definitely see myself playing this as a relaxing game in the future if I'm bored.

This game was a perfect choice for the beginning of spooky season! This was a fun, short and utterly terrifying experience to say the least. This went from playing hide and seek with cute little gnomes to swimming through piles of rotting meat real fast. The story itself was incredible , something that I will be thinking about a lot and looking more into. The environment, soundtrack, and monster design are this games strengths. Where this game falls short, is the animation, frame rate, and wonky controls. At some points, it ran completely fine but there were multiple instances where the frame rate just couldn’t keep up with the action and caused me to mess up what I was doing. But the frequent checkpoints made this not a huge issue. While some might be turned off by the gameplay, I personally think it’s worth pushing through it simply because of the wonderful narrative and visuals this game has to offer.



Alright, so I tried this game years ago, played for a few hours and then put it down because I was really turned off by it being a roguelike game. Just picked it up again after all this time and I’m so glad I did. The characters are so likeable and the art style is absolutely gorgeous. Took me a little while to get hooked at first because I really don’t like the idea of roguelikes (just personal preference, just not my style of game) but I pushed through and started finding my build and once I figured out something that worked for me, I absolutely loved it. I found the gameplay frustratingly addicting and the story was such an incredible use of the game style. The dialogue was hilarious at times, I found myself saving videos of interactions all the time. I know to fully “beat” the game you have to complete it 10 times and I MIGHT do that in the future but right now, I don’t have any urge to. I beat it once and that was enough for me, but the story does make me want to see more eventually.

Nintendo why are you so allergic to continuity it's a DIRECT SEQUEL. And let Link EMOTE for God's sake 😭
Beautiful game, 8.5/10

Most FUN ive had exploring an open world game

Um jogo completamente diferente do que eu costumo jogar, sinto nojo por qualquer jogo desse que me lembre League Of Legends, mas dei uma chance ao jogo e curti bastante, mas meu pc deu alguns problemas com crash no jogo, tive que apagar e não terminei o jogo

best game of all time. currently 400 hours in. i haven’t seen sunlight in weeks.

The manliest gay game of all time. 5 stars

not perfect, but an incredible game that reminds me of what it felt like when 'your choices matter' games first started being created. as a huge dragon age: origins fan, i say this game reminded me a lot of da:o in the best way possible. i eagerly look forward to my next playthrough and anticipate in full sincerity that it can and will be drastically different based on my choices.

my hangups are largely with some weak writing in the late game and some things that bother me about the actual system (initiative being a 1d4, some interesting pathing, etc).

i did finish the game on patch 5 & hotfix 15, so many of the bugs, unfinished content, and poor performance problems were fixed.