Many gripes with the game such as the open world, but the gameplay is still Pokemon, and the story presentation is definitely better than the preceding games, the interactions between the characters is fun, the rivals (for the most part) are fun, and the new Pokemon designs are "okay".

The game is STILL GOING somehow.

Only ever fun with friends, playing with randos is a no-go for me.

One of the best Zelda games to date. Simple as it is.

As the name suggests, it's the ULTIMATE smash bros.

Nostalgic, but not that great.

Crazy complicated for my tiny goblin brain.

You NEED friends to play this if you're not a hardcore monster hunter fan like me.

Great open world, fun solutions to fun problems.

Nostalgic and quick to get in to.

Has its novelty, but it wears off after maybe a couple dozen matches.