11 reviews liked by KITTY_MANYA

I called the Origami Killer reveal scene, shot for shot.

Quite possibly the most funny game ever released.

I have the world record for speedrunning, and I also walked through glass to play the game. So yeah, I like it.

Mario looked at me and said it.
I instantly turned to ash as my fleeting thoughts faded from my brain, just as soon my existence, and those who memories contained me would too.

This game is probably the best at making you really feel like you're going through what the protagonist does, because much like her, I am also having a breakdown while running away from Mr. Oshiro.

I don't own this collection, but I have played all of the games separately on PS3/PC, and I'll say that these 3 games are some of the best the 7th generation had, and for only $20, often less, it's a steal.

i wanted this game so bad when i was a kid, then i got it one day on my ps vita and it wasnt good and i felt sad.

I was tricked into doing the crossword puzzle by my friends and it was very embarrassing how bad I did at it.

I was way too stupid to finish this as a kid and I think I got stuck really badly