This game was better than the more popular Battle for Bikini Bottom IMO undervalued game

I use to love playing this game and the music was a jam, than they changed the matchmaking in an update that completely ruined the servers :(
Was my comfort game for a time. Best iteration of any Pool game ive played

I'm not sure how I ended up with this game as a young child, maybe a CD ROM from a cereal box? It might have been a bit too edgy for that but ill double back and say the cover certainly implies cereal?

I'm glad It did end up in my possession, It's a game I look deep into my memory to find and when I ask around nobody seems to know the game I'm talking about.

A point and click game with an aesthetic I found captivating and humor laughable. If you like point and click games with a theme around creatures in a mad house, play it!

Best fighting game in regards to PvP and they do a good job balancing the combat but the campaign is mid. Best graphic style/ format for anime games. Game struggles with server issues otherwise id give it 4.5/5 instead of 4/5

A revolutionary game ushering in the era of 3D gaming, for that id give it 4 stars. An unintentional speed running masterpiece? That, makes it a 5 star game.