This game is possibly the most over hated game of all time. I explain reasons I love DS2 and why some ppl don't.

DS2 is an immersive soulsborne experience with some of the best atmosphere provided from any Fromsoft game. A broad stroke of area design, a great sound track, interesting NPC's with good voice acting, some cool enemies and 48 map locations (DLC included), the game is massive! Majula is imo the best hub and the PvP in DS2 is still highly acclaimed yrs after its heyday.

Some negatives would be that it has some underwhelming bosses (there are a lot some good some bad) and the combat is the most dated (it is the oldest game if u include remasters). Other things like Miyazaki not being directly involved in the games production, the timeline being an offshoot of DS1 rather than a direct sequel, some mechanical things like the lack of invincibility frames etc was enough to turn some ppl off of the game.

I didn't grow up playing DS2, it wasn't my first souls game. Safe to say not nostalgia.
If you are a hardcore dark souls fan that appreciates the positives listed above and don't heavily prioritize boss fighting and combat polish, dark souls 2 is a must play!

Game was amazing in its time. It's probably a little dated now but with a few mods you can surely still have lots of fun with the game.

Best Cod of all-time. It's not a bug it's a feature!

Amazing combat system (perhaps the best OAT) the gauntlets of strength are really some of the best additions of any fromsoft game. The most rewarding gameplay and bosses I have experienced and really I don't understand why a similar thing is not included in games such as Elden Ring (the gauntlets of strength that is). It works especially well with the combat in Sekiro though and has me really anticipating a Sekiro 2!

Surprised this game wasn't more renown, the PvP is memorable and I had a lot of fun playing it with my sister back in the day. I remember reading all the Spy vs Spy segments in the Mad TV magazines.

I remember fumbling through this game at the age of 4-5 years old and still I love it 20+ years later. It was overshadowed by the appeal of 3D in Super Mario 64. Mario is so well known, yet so many haven't played the RPG's!

One of my all-time favorite games. I've replayed this game more than any other game. Very fun turn-based gameplay with the badge combat system/engine. A charming story with lots of secrets/easter eggs. I very highly recommend trying out the "dark star" modded version of this game to those that haven't played it.

The best Star Wars game period. Hoping for that remake! The sequel is not bad either if you are looking for more

Deserves more credit than is given to it. Best Fallout combat and the DLC's were pretty good, an interesting take on power armor as well. They added the mod menu which made it easy to enjoy further.

This was probably the best map imo. Tilted, Salty Springs, Soccer field, Aladdin, Paradise Palms. You had the three biomes grassland/desert/winter. The sniping was the best around this time.

Amazing mod would highly recommend! Takes a great game and expands on its greatness in more ways than one. The new badges, items, combat mechanics, and enemies are the highlights for me

deserves a higher rating than 2.8 that's for sure.
Had a lot of fun with this game but it gets a bit convoluted over time with all the new packs and engines etc

Who put up the background image for this page on Backloggd 💀 it cycles but the one with the guy..

Overall I really enjoyed this game, some things id change like every time you collect something it had an animation.. The character creation and the political developments through the campaign are what stand out to me as to what makes it a memorable game

Underrated had some of the best PvP

Being a big fan of the N64 Paper Mario it is kind of crazy it took me so long to play it.
As a kid, I wrote this game off and forgot about it when my parents weren't planning on buying a GameCube. Now I get to appreciate the game in my mid 20's and it was an absolute delight!

Only thing holding it back from 5 stars is that they neutered the invasion system/Covenants from the other souls games and the PvP isn't quite as balanced as previous games. Some issues with latency that has persisted throughout the souls series really holds it back from being a top tier PvP. Bleed is broken in PvE and PvP.