Twenty-third GOTW finished for 2023. Again, surprising amount of depth for a two-button fighting game, but this being my second NGPC fighter I'm starting to get the distinct impression that these are all fairly similar in their style and gameplay. Short and sweet with a simple but fun art style!

Twenty-fourth GOTW finished for 2023. The music was absolutely stupendous in this one, really fit the theme of the game and was fantastic to listen to regardless of what was happening on the screen. Lots of different vehicle options, as well as some neat level designs. That being said, there was a TON going on in any given screen, and the controls were a bit difficult to get a handle on as well. Could get very confusing in a hurry. Felt like it could use a little more polish, as well as maybe a little trim-down on the overall game time. Quite silly and fun, but there are better options out there.

Seventh GOTW finished for 2022. Sweet music, especially a few seconds into the intro theme. The isometric view coupled with only four movement directions can make for some complicated platforming, but the jump-and-grab mechanics for the blocks were often insanely hard and not very fun to repeat over and over to get that jump juuuuuuuust right.

Twenty-Ninth GOTW finished for 2022. Character customization was neat, and pretty advanced for a game of this type and time. However, giving weapon power ups that get better over time gives me little incentive to change characters. Slightly changing how the levels look based on which level you started and to which level you were going was quite neat. However, a weird story and BONKERS hard endgame sequence didn't really leave it feeling very fun to play.

Second GOTM finished for June 2022. I'm kinda surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. It wears its desire to be Zelda on it's chest, much less its sleeve, but I still found it really charming. The music is pretty catchy, and while it can sometimes look like a flash game the graphics were fun and bright enough to keep my attention. The game got easier as you played, due to various weapons and power ups, but the speed and difficulty of some of the enemies early on can be a little frustrating. Regardless, I enjoyed my time with this little game. Crayon Shin-Chan in Western Zelda!

Twenty-eighth GOTW finished for 2022. Great looking and playing shooter. Lots of options with different button presses for shots and multiple ships to choose from. Had a blast, short and fun!

Second GOTM finished for April 2024. I'm still not sure if this game deserves this high of a rating, but the uniqueness of the overall presentation and that last chapter/ending sequence feels like it helps elevate what might otherwise just be an average game. The polish put into this remake is stellar. The graphics are great, the music is incredible, and lots of QOL improvements and changes help to streamline and improve the experience. As with any of these "Anthology" type games, not every story is going to hit, and some are even going to be unpleasant. However, there's likely something here for everyone, and making each scenario feel different and unique really helps to keep the game feeling fresh all the way to the end. Again, that last chapter and end-game sequence (while slow in the dungeons) really made for a great finish. It may not be an amazing game, but it was a truly unique experience!

Twenty-Seventh GOTW finished for 2022. Solid, if unspectacular Metal Slug game. Bosses were extra spongey (annoyingly so), but the levels were fast and fun and the game looks great on the Neo Geo Pocket. Had fun with this one!