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I really enjoyed my experience with OneShot. I was lucky enough to play the game blind and so the reveal at the beginning where the game knew my name genuinely shocked me and had me engaged pretty quickly. This game does meta stuff really well, its super impressive how attached you become to Niko even though the game emphasizes that other characters aren't real and you know damn well Niko isn't any different. The little puzzles it has you do on your PC are also really interesting even if the one fucked up my Rainmeter live Wallpaper.

The only thing really keeping me from considering OneShot to be one of my all time favorites is that I never really cared about any of the side characters. The game kind of lost me at the end of the Solstice route when it started to focus on the relationship between the creator and the world machine. It wasn't bad or anything but I was invested in OneShot because of the relationship between me, Niko, and the game...and all of that other stuff didn't capture my attention as much. The ending of Solstice was still emotional (seriously how did they make them walk off the window like that??) but I almost prefer the original ending just because it did a really good job capturing the essence of was so special about OneShot to me.

Dino Run has a special place in my heart as the first video game I ever played on my parents shitty old Windows Vista computer, but does it hold up today? Kind of. It definitely has a lot going for it, the music is great for a flash game and the "doom" does a great job of being terrifying as balls and constantly keeping you on your toes. The games main issue however is that it's incredibly unresponsive, jump height feels totally arbitrary and as a result some of your mistakes feel kind of bullshit, which is kind of a problem when you're always 4 seconds away from death. With all that in mind I still like it, I wish the multiplayer was still active, I had a lot of good memories with it.

Wow! I'm just as much of a useless detriment to my team as I am in real volleyball!

It took three destroyed houses before my friend decided a fence was worth our time

The only game I can play every day and still have fun with

Probably the objectively best game I've ever played even if other games are dearer to my heart.

I've beaten this game like 20 times and played for 2000+ hours and I still barely feel like I've scratched the surface of what it has to offer

Really makes you feel like someone's edgy anime oc

An absolutely amazing space simulator. The way that this game manages to simulate literal trillions of bodies seemlessly is ridiculous, and they have everything you could ever want, even stuff like rouge planets and Wolf-Rayet stars.

With all that in mind the quality of representation isn't completely consistent. Galaxies and real nebula are rendered a lot worse than the absolutely phenomenal planetary systems and terrain. However, I'm willing to forgive this since the game is still in beta.

Also suffers from being incredibly buggy, crashing sometimes several times per session or when doing stuff as simple as opening menus.

One time I nuked my own city by accident and my country's happiness increased

takes like 3 hours to get the materials for a single piece of furniture

It's really sad that this is a microtransaction infested, takes-a-week-to-do-anything gambling simulator freemium mobile game because I would absolutely pay for a dragon park simulator with its mechanics that wasn't trying to emotionally torture me into spending money

I love this game with all my heart but overthere stair has to be the most agonizing thing ever concieved by a human, I would rather undergo Chinese water torture than have to experience overthere stair again

Minecraft's serene and lonely atmosphere is unparalleled but I really wish it gave you more to do - progression is quickly over and I usually find myself quitting after one or two big builds because its a huge time investment with little actual reward