They really went with that ending, wow. European storytelling hits differently.

This is a weird one. And I'm not talking about the story which is the weirdest I ever saw, but about the game itself. The presentation, sound design and music are amazing. It looks gorgeous, the architecture is just epic. Combat is fun. But. I didn't enjoy it and I was pushing myself to finish it. And I don't know why. Maybe because I didn't understand what was going on so I was just playing the game while not knowing what I was actually doing. What kept me going though was the fun combat and wonderful visuals. Then there's the problem with the inventory. I didn't care about it too much. I was using the same mods since the beginning of the game because I couldn't be bothered to check the infinite amount of mods I kept picking up, so I just ignored it. It was enough to finish the game though. So I ask myself, if I can play and finish this game without using a big feature of the game, should it even be there at all? Probably for all the other people who used it, I guess. I have two more DLC missions to do but I'm not sure I could be bothered.

I don't know. I'm still giving it a thumbs up because there's no game like it. Just be prepared for lots of gibberish.

Also, this is the last Remedy game on Steam for quite a while due to the deal they made with Epic. Farewell Remedy, you will be missed.

An excellent concept and execution for a ... wrong game? This is more of a visual novel with 14 puzzles of varying difficulty between very easy and easy. The assembly levels are well made but I constantly felt like this was more of a teaser for a deeper game where you assemble lots of thingies. This only scratched an itch and offered a concept for a game which I'm really looking forward to if, hopefully, someone makes it one day.

However, as a short interactive product, it's still really well made. Just don't come into it looking for a deep assembly game.