Voice performances WIP

Nothing here!

Tommie Earl Jenkins as Die Hardman

Absolutely killed that role, the end of the game when everything comes out with that fucking three billion hour cutscene about fucking beaches, his performance absolutely made sitting through that worth it, it's fucking amazing.
Justin Gross as Arthas Menethil

From noble paladin to insane death knight, he really brought the tragedy of the fallen prince to life.

"Glory to the Scourge"
Michael Mando as Vaas

His insane spiratic random and fierce conversations with him that can change at any moment has you on the edge of your seat.

"I like this phone.... this is a nice fucking phone."
Ellen McLain as GlaDOS
Christopher Judge as Kratos

He really killed it as Kratos and deserved all the praise playing a regretful angry man trying to teach and bond with his son.

Shoutout to T.C. Carson in the original games as well, he pulled off young, arrogant, unreasonably fuckass mad Kratos just as well as Judge pulled off older, humbler, reasonably upset Kratos.

Jeff Kramer as York
Matt McKenzie as Auron

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!"
David Hayter as Solid Snake


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