
This is SO MUCH worse than Rance 01

yo this has some pretty good potential


Everything related to combat in this game beats Bayo 1 with ease, but even though the story quality improves when it gets to "Inferno" and the final boss is 10x better than Bayo 1, I still prefer the characters and story of the first game.

Also Loki is the most annoying character I've ever seen in any Hack N' Slash game.


Worst of the two DLCs combat wise, but man i love Blade Wolf and his search for freedom.


Very solid game, there are some things bothering me about its level design that is something that happens with most metroids, like the annoying platforms, little variety of enemies and questionable boss battle design.
However, the extra post-game added in this version was more fun than the rest of the game for me, I loved it and even managed to make me a little emotional.


Incredible gameplay, the best gameplay experience in the Persona franchise, some rather stark script conveniences bothered me, but nothing to the point of spoiling the experience. as a whole can be considered the best Persona.


I finally finished the first Silent Hill, a very good game for the console that it was released, the only thing that disappointed me was the level design that even Resident Evil does better, by far the best thing is the direction and the graphics surprising, because everything is modeled in 3d.

Old Konami games are so good omg.


Oh boy...
i have more bad things to talk about this route than good things, so let me put this straight ; saber's Character development is the best and only thing i really like it about this route.
The rest is tons of Infodump, Tohsaka's character whole purpose in this route is shove expository dialogue in the reader's mounth, some boring fights and then a satisfying conclusion to Saber's Character.


This game just left me without a doubt that Raiden is my favorite protagonist of the franchise.
It may not have the best story compared to the other Metal Gears I've played but it still has a very good story by the franchise standard.


Steins;Gate 0 manages to surpass its predecessor in several aspects such as character exploitation and developing several secondary characters.
however I find the script of its predecessor superior.

(in the future I will update this review to something more complete)


The only thing I didn't really like was the damage scaling and the combos being more limited than the previous games, but it's still an absurdly good game


A very unique experience for me, the theme of friendship and youth may not be well regarded and not so "edgy", but it is so well executed that when I finished the game I felt like my friends were separated from me.
I think the procedural dungeons have a lot of potential loss, super simple level design and nothing that differentiates the gameplay repetitiveness inside the dungeons.

(in the future I will update this review to something more complete)


worst visual novel and nukige i ever read
I don't know how people defend the writing of this garbage, it's by far one of the worst I've seen in any media, just at the last possible chance they're full of flashbacks to try to make the reader care about the characters (which not even vn itself do you mind, there are two characters that exist only for pornography with no purpose in the narrative that the visual novel tries to take seriously), tries to develop a plot criticizing religion but does it in the most stereotyped and nutty way possible, there's no way to take it seriously .
The only good things about this atrocity is the art which is one of the best I've seen on a Nukige and the soundtrack is really good.

Pretty fun, but has some awkward plataforming that break the pacing of the level