
God of War 1, but for PsP


This is a love letter to a video-game era that i miss a lot, loved everything about it (except having no lock-on lmao)


A very unique experience for me, the theme of friendship and youth may not be well regarded and not so "edgy", but it is so well executed that when I finished the game I felt like my friends were separated from me.
I think the procedural dungeons have a lot of potential loss, super simple level design and nothing that differentiates the gameplay repetitiveness inside the dungeons.

(in the future I will update this review to something more complete)


worst visual novel and nukige i ever read
I don't know how people defend the writing of this garbage, it's by far one of the worst I've seen in any media, just at the last possible chance they're full of flashbacks to try to make the reader care about the characters (which not even vn itself do you mind, there are two characters that exist only for pornography with no purpose in the narrative that the visual novel tries to take seriously), tries to develop a plot criticizing religion but does it in the most stereotyped and nutty way possible, there's no way to take it seriously .
The only good things about this atrocity is the art which is one of the best I've seen on a Nukige and the soundtrack is really good.


I finally finished the first Silent Hill, a very good game for the console that it was released, the only thing that disappointed me was the level design that even Resident Evil does better, by far the best thing is the direction and the graphics surprising, because everything is modeled in 3d.

Old Konami games are so good omg.