
Mario is a wet soap is this game


I'm not goind to talk about how perfect is the writing in this game, there are hours of content on youtube just analysing the each character and it's to much for a quick review.

However i will talk about the gameplay. There are modern day games that tries to do bare bones stealth gameplay when this game did something almost flawless in the f*cking Playstation 2!!!
The levels are masterfully crafted, so many options of how to engage with each challenge, on higher difficulties you need to know what you're doing to stealth your way each section, it's a forever replayable game, be for it's narrative or for it's gameplay, one of the must play for the console, Kojima and his team are geniuses of game crafting


For what it does, this is a pretty f*cking good prologue.

Camp Omega is peak Metal Gear Level design, probably one of the best stealth levels i've ever played


One of my favorite things is playing these games that shaped an entire generation, i played the original Halo CE in my childhood but never cared about completing it and rapidly abandoned the game; but playing today i have more maturity and sensitivity to art in general to understand what this game is and why it would be so loved... This game comes from an era full of creativity and inovation, and honestly, to this day there isn't any FPS similar to Halo in any form or experience.

The Game has a very simple yet impactful storytelling, it honestly serves as more of a backgroud for the gameplay, but they still menaged to make the world feel way bigger, i loved Chief and i loved Cortana, and even more i loved they being together.

Now let's talk about the real thing that made me love this game. Halo is a 90s Sci-fi Militaristic Space Opera. And the game realy wants you to feel the vibe with it's weapons, characters, cinematic sci-fi music, art-style, everything; and the way the execute this is making the player actually PLAY the game.
Every set piece, every badass thing that Master Chief does is the player manually doing, with an awesome gunplay that feels good to play this day, with every level being open, with a variety of vehicles to cross the map (this is specially cool with you play coop campaign) with despite the not so much variety in the weapons, every weapon being completely different and also, a different way to approach combat and engage with the enemy.

The game is already a classic, but the only thing the holding this game back a little tiny bit are the last levels, basically, almost everything after the Library is just repetition of the same passed levels, but backwards; you can really feel they were runninng out of budget and time to finish everything

But that's it, this game is a certified CLASSIC with the passion and creativity of the devs oozing out of it, Bungie set on stone with the game that this is the formula that every FPS Halo Game should follow and EVOLVE from it (and Spoiler: THEY DID EVOLVE)

Also the coop is awesome, the level design works perfectly for 2 players, since player 2 is basically a marine npc with sentience and a master chief skin, everything seems quite well balanced.

just a hint: while playing the Master Chief Collection version, play with the old graphics they fit the aesthetic better ;)


This game is legendary, it revolutionized games and this 3ds port makes everything beautiful, I can't see myself playing the 64 original after this 3DS one
But even so, it's impossible not to admire so much quality in a 64 game, it's all very alive and charming, and its soundtrack is what strengthens everything in this game.
Amazing how a game that was part of the childhood of so many people talks so much about childhood hidden within its adventure, the more you analyze the more the player creates an emotional bond with the game.
Definitely one of the best games ever.


The ending is by far one of the best in the franchise, if not the best, but until you get to it you go through many things from average to bad.
a lot of unnecessary game time for the story to walk, and when it does it's a silly plot of good teens vs evil teens that's almost completely forgotten in the final stretch (yes I'm talking about Strega)


Best time travel work I've ever consumed
the script work is impeccable.
has an uninteresting arc, the rest manages to easily surpass its anime adaptation and become the definitive way to consume Steins;Gate.

(in the future I will update this review to something more complete)


This Game was worst in my memory. but the artistic points of this game overcompensate for all its technical problems (which are many).


Way better than Chapter 1, maybe better than Undertale itself, Toby Fox really surprised me with the quality of this chapter.


The mystery is very well presented and an interesting dynamics and not very repetitive in each cap, very unique characters as well as all its aesthetics, the cases of each cap are fun although poorly executed in my opinion, I love the art of danganronpa and your style ranging from character design to your menus
the last 2 caps are by far the peak of the mystery and the main villain is one of the most expressive characters I've ever seen.

now what's negative about Danganronpa
before the last two caps the story is not well executed, the characters are unique but very poorly used during the narrative, even the most important are boring or poorly deepened
the game has a clear message about hope overcoming despair but it doesn't know how to make that message clear to the player.


Even if the story is not so good as Yakuza 0, i actually was more invested in it than in Kiwami 1, may not be the best Yakuza Game but is my favorite for the tons of fun i had in it


Aged worse than milk, full of collision and physics bugs, terrible cutscenes and two campaigns that didn't even need to exist
despite all that, Sonic Adventure is a great game, with great level design, great soundtrack, the story for more than being told in a bad way, it's a nice story, and this was the game that finally made some characters come out of the shadow of the Sonic.


This was one of the funniest experiences I've ever had on a 3d Platformer
Sonic Adventure 2 fixes several issues from its predecessor mainly related to bugs and polish.

The Stages are great, level design very well done and fun to play, especially Sonic and Shadow, but not discrediting the other two gameplays that have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the player (because if you really learn to play some of them, everything is makes it more fun), in this game to reach Rank A it is necessary some skill and knowledge of the stages which increases the replay factor for the player, experienced players are rewarded while the new ones can play at their own pace.

The Soundtrack is horny, there's no better way to define it, it's almost a musical album with a freebie.

The Story for more than suffering from dated cutscenes and poorly done English dub
The Japanese dubbing is great and the story manages to be surprisingly good and even a little deep and exciting, even with the English dubbing I was able to connect with the characters and even get a little emotional at the end of the game, something I wouldn't expect from a Sonic game.

Overall that's it, I recommend it to everyone who likes 3d platformers with a cool challenge and it's a must play for any Sonic fan.


Great and fun celebrative game


it's an old ass arcade game, what more i have to say?