10 Reviews liked by KeiCartman

It's the same game it was on the PS3, with better graphics I guess. Can barely say that there is a huge difference, honestly, but I appreciated that the ledges and rocks you could grab onto weren't IN BRIGHT YELLOW any more, but still very apparent. Some good design choices there.
Otherwise, nah, I still think this game got way overrated because it came out at the right time on the PS3 when that console desperately needed big AAA hits.

I had this game in my backlog for so long after it was heavily discounted, and never cared enough to give the solo campain a try (my days of online multiplayer FPS are behind me).

Well, I regret not doing it earlier. The campain, albeit short (count 5 to 6 hours depending on your skill level) is TONS of fun. The pilot moves remind me of Tribes Ascend, there are skill shots like in Quake 3. The mechs / Titans are impressive and have this heavy feeling when you ride them. And there are a few amazing gameplay ideas - even though they kinda peak right in the middle of the game, and go downhill from there.
A wonderful surprise.

Le jeu brasse pas mal de concepts de SF intéressants, notamment sur la question de l'éthique la colonisation d'une planète et de l'équilibre à trouver avec la faune locale, mais le gameplay est vraiment assez mal équilibré, j'ai eu l'impression de passer tout le jeu à lutter avec les contrôles pour réussir à faire faire au vaisseau ce que je voulais. Et en prime, ça se termine de manière très abrupte et insatisfaisante.



Petit jeu très sympa qui traite en très peu de temps mais efficacement le sujet du déracinement et des souvenirs liés à nos sens. Quelques subtilités bien senties passent par la typographie, par les micro-expressions et la gestuelle des personnages ou par des détails de mise en scène notamment dans les phases de cuisine, qui nous impliquent suffisamment pour capter notre attention sans être un frein à la narration.
J'ai faim.

L'emballage est basique mais c'est cool de pouvoir refaire tous ces classiques sans y engloutir des dizaines de francs (non parce que la difficulté de Final Fight, merci hein). En plus, au moins une vraie découverte avec le génial Battle Circuit. Par contre ça manquait tout de même d'un petit Alien vs Predator pour être tout à fait parfait mais bon on peut pas tout avoir.

A true masterpiece. The fighting system is nice, so it's very pleasant to play. But the main strenght of this episode is the story. All the characters are interesting, everyone got his "time to shine" and the game contains many epic sequences.

This is the most ambitious narrative in any video game. The amount of effort that must have went into creating this masterpiece is unfathomable. It is not only one of the best stories in gaming (probably #1), but also one of the best sci-fi stories in general that were released in recent years.

There is unbelievable virtiosity with which these characters were all written to be distinct from each other, to parody or reference a certain manga/shoujo/scifi/game trope, for each of them to be an enjoyable story on their own, and to weave all 13 on them together into a grander fantastic sci-fi narrative. The music is as good as it gets, and the strategy elements aren't nearly as boring as it may seem, with a particular incredible moment involving a certain idol song enabled by said gameplay.

This is undoubtedly a classic for the ages. This is a game people in thirty years will point towards when it comes to "video games as a storytelling medium".

Un film d'animation interactif aux airs de point'n'click visuellement splendide. La progression n'est pas toujours très intuitive mais le système d'indices permet de se débloquer si l'on commence à perdre patience. Court mais charmant.

A remake of the original Metroid, which greatly expands the lore and the game itself. Incredible work and an incredible game overall. Maybe my favorite 2D Metroid.

Absolutely fantastic from start to finish and the very fact that this game never left Japan and was never translated is a stain on Nintendo's legacy forever and ever.