4 reviews liked by KendoZSX

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Been delaying this review for so long but later than never

first story think it's decent & good I feel like the highlights of the story and pivotal big moments are great however a common complaint but I feel like the game suffers from really poor plotting. the lead up to the moments doesn't feel as engaging as desired sadly and this complaint becomes more apparent after like 10hrs in the game and strongly increases during the 2nd timeskip. Also feel like I wish this story was like maybe 5hrs longer and some stuff I wanted more time to breathe or just go more in depth. Clive taking over the cid mantle so to say , the whole clive inner termoil while the moment itself was great in my opinion with how major it is I feels like it something I would've happened near the climax of the 2nd timeskip rather than the mid beginning part of it. I think the game has very sound and consistent theme's tho , hope , faith and fate were nailed. Conclusion of the story itself I'm contend with didn't expect something else and I feel like there didn't need to be some crazy subversion over ambitious ending it was simple to me and conclusive and with the type of tale this is I wanted an ending like that.

Music this is what I somewhat dreaded pre release Soken as a composer is someone I wasn't the most fond of until FFXIV shadowbringers where. However while I didn't expect much from him in XVI he still managed to dissapoint me in the sense of me knowing he could've just done much better. Find the flame and eikon ost and some other songs are great. however overall it's not that memorable to me which is tough to say the least. I don't think I will see myself looking fondly on this OST. Another complaint I have is the directing and usage of the music itself beside the fact of lack of unique tracks or character tied themes. Eikon fights being the same and not that many variations of the battle theme. I find some music choices in some scenes just off or straight up immersion breaking the titan 2nd phase fight for example it was cool reminded me of an alexander raid but it felt so out of place it soured the moment for me. Some other examples of it occuring that I can't think of atm but yea a bit tough. However when they use the music correctly ( most of the time tbh ) it's peak "Accept the truth or "I've always been proud to call you my shield." peak perfection 0 complaints on those.

Now onto the world/environments & exploration something that didn't surpise me AT ALL was how boring traversing and there was sense of reward for exploration at all my god. Never did a game feel like exploration such a thing they didn't want you to do. beautifiul looking environments but just being beautifiul end of the day. Traversing with the chocobo's felt more fun in XV even and nitpick but the jump button outside comment is fucking useless and the fact we can't toggle sprint is horseshit.

Now onto characters here I'm mostly postitive I love clive , JOSHUA is my goat , we got the best version of CID and Dion is the best LGBT rep to ever grace that community. There are some obvious dissapointments tho the elephant of the room Jill. While I think she's decent and not bad at all can't help but feel like she's sometimes really just there and super bland. With her being the shiva eikon user and the monsteriousities she commited. We didn't get that much of a deep look into it. I like how she foils and parallels with Clive but I can't help but feel it could've just been better. that's kinda the whole thing with the game allot of it is good to great. but it shouldn't be that it should've been great constantly it was the bare mininium for most. Another thing the party and cast dynamics as 1 on 1 are most really solid. but as a cast group really not that group of misfits & outcasts coming together to face their fate or destiny blah blah just that feeling is really appeal of the franchise and it's really missing. pre release the no party concerns were warranted completely. the fact you also almost never have a FULL party its always duo or trios and the max size from what I remember isn't over 4. which makes it impossible to get those dynamics even rolling. Also which makes character's individiual suffer more I feel Byron & Cid bring the best out of Clive's characterization so when they're not on screen "he loses his edge" and becomes a bit dull of a character and just not as entertaining. Since he doesn't really have em to bounce of from. His dynamic I think with Gav is great and same with Joshua but 1 gav is not that present in the story and Joshua I feel like doesn't need any elaboration. What makes the lack of party hurt even more thru like the 25% of the game shows really what we could've had. imagine a party with clive , cid , jill , byron , gav, joshua and Dion. so many unique dynamics and interactions that could've flourished of that what a shame.

Now onto gameplay ignoring the exploration aspect uh not gonna talk about the lack of rpg elements blah blah has been nailed too death already so no need for me to speak on it again. Combat was great and strongest part of the game for sure. from clive to eikon fights I have really no harsh complaints only desires of like maybe being able to switch with 4 eikons and being able to use the crosspad more for combat but beside that nothing really the variety is great and the eikon fights switch it up nicely the scale and epicness is unmatched in the boss fights of the game it screams GOTYYYYY and it really has 2 of the greatest boss battles of all time for me. Didn't really care for the diffculty since I also didn't expect it nor did I came for a challenge lol but just wished there was a bit more mob enemy variety and yea thats it.

Reading some reviews prior and setting my expectations right the game delivered in most of the areas I expected and I'm not as dissapointed as others. Joshua is one of my fav characters in the franchise , Find the flame one of my fav character themes and the titan boss fight rematch in my top 10 boss battles of all time. 2nd is my fav FF protagonist they made a naichicore ass protagonist when he did the oath on his sword I was geeking like crazy considering that's the most knight shit he has done whole game lol. but yea a good/great game that should've been phenomenal.

8/8,5 for me sorry for the typos & grammar mistakes just in case

I was pretty excited for this game at announcement. Code Vein, Namco Bandai's last very anime game, wasn't without faults, but was rather enjoyable, so Scarlet Nexus, which looked notably more polished by comparison, was an exciting prospect. However, Scarlet Nexus drops the ball in so many ways, that the final result is ultimately dissatisfying with glimpses of a greater game underneath.

I think the individual story beats are... okay? They're not particularly special sci-fi, but they're fine enough. The execution and writing for many of these scenes ensure that the story falls flat though. Characters are rather stilted in their delivery, but it feels more like a problem with the dialogue than the VA. Often overly expository and long winded, it doesn't flow particularly well, and this ultimately hurts the character writing as well. One annoying thing about the game is its' presentation of cutscenes though. Traditional cutscenes are used sparingly, and most of the cutscenes are instead still pictures of the models with VA playing over them. It feels very ... cheap and lessens the impact of the scenes whenever they're used.

So the story is whatever, but most aren't here for the story anyway. Unfortunately, the gameplay, while better, is riddled with many small issues that culminate in something frustrating. No ability to dodge out of attacks makes dodging based one enemy tells more difficult. Status effects like like electrocution leave the player unable to move for what feels like an eternity in an action game. Again, there are good moments there though. Using the powers of your teammates can be pretty satisfying even if some of them are a bit... unimaginative in their application, and when you get a good chain of telekinesis, it can feel pretty good. It's just otherwise, it can feel a tad frustrating, or arguably even worse, boring.

Technically, the game is pretty great. I didn't run into any bugs or noticeable frame dips on PS5. The game models look generally pretty nice. Environments range from bland to okay depending on the location, but they're also serviceable for the most part.

In the end, I was left disappointed by the game, and despite liking the idea of playing it with the other character to get their side expanded, I have zero interest in continuing on, so this is where I'll end it. Hopefully a possible sequel can better address some of these issues.