In terms of gameplay is virtually the same game as the first one. However the intention of this game is clear and it is not to give us the more revolutionary mechanics or frenetic movement but to tell us an original and unique story, and I think it succeeded. The graphics are outstanding that’s out of the question, no other game today looks like this and you could doubt for moments if that landscape you were seeing was a real photo or if that person that’s looking through your screen was real, the detail is out of this world; the music and sound are magnificent and both together are capable to immerse you deeply in the head of Senua letting you feel her anguish, hope and doubt, this is an experience that you can feel. It’s kinda obvious combat wasn’t a priority for the developers and it does get to feel repetitive but the choreographs you can achieve when you enter into battle are impressive and each one is very enjoyable for the eyes. Puzzles are quite simple but they’re harmless, they might only work to remark the mental state of Senua but yes, they can get to feel repetitive. It’s worth mentioning and taking in count all the work they did studying Senua’s condition, taking you into a world where you can’t trust even in your own eyes and ears. If I can found a problem with the story is that I think the end is kinda rush and it doesn’t let process all that’s happening. Despite its flaws (because no game is perfect) you can see that’s work and love behind this title and it’s good to see original ideas like this have this level of production. I’d be glad if I get the chance to explore this mysterious world through the eyes of Senua one more time.

Everything here is iconic, the characters are memorable and the world is fascinating, it won its place in history. However I think the console port is not very well done.

My first soulslike and now I understand the love for this. The frustration is real but also the satisfaction of defeating a massive boss. The context is captivating and the way that turn the story of Pinocchio into this brutal madness is incredible. Im eager for more like this.

A strange experiment that turned out quite well. While the gameplay doesn’t let the story develop as in the other gains still keeps the essence of gears in his premise and characters are well written. Gameplay is fun, engaging and challenging, a very pleasant surprise, I’d like to see a sequel.

The source material was already outstanding so it was kinda hard to do it bad. Very solid version wich is a good option to step into gears, but definitely cannot replace the original.

For me the plot is the most important thing in a game and in that aspect gears 5 is outstanding in my opinion. Taking its roots from some ideas leaved behind in gears of war 2 so it definitely has a good source of inspiration. Story is intriguing and exciting with astonishing graphics and a gameplay that feels modern but it still true to its roots. Besides, the story takes the opportunity to expand the universe of gears in a very interesting way letting us see more about Sera, its history and its people. Multiplayer was quite good, true to its origins and i think if one integration deserved more appreciation that’s escape, wich is a very novel propose that’s partially ignored by the fans. If I can say something bad about the plot it’s that resolves some very interesting ideas from past games and propose some new mysteries that might be not that interesting and the open world is harmless but useless. And another bad point is that the coalition is still ignoring his main public, the many attempts to introduce gears to a new generation of players has cost it not to please anyone, with focus on esports, modifications to the parameters of weapons that create inconsistencies and unnecessary changes like the name, being named this time just “gears 5”, the coalition should prioritise its main public that has been following this beautiful saga for many years.

It was a good attempt to introduce gears to the new generation of that moment. I was more than happy to have another gears, the story is good but the characters lack of some personality in comparison to the old beloved ones. Multiplayer modes were good but micro-transactions and variety of content got in its way to last a little longer.

I’ve come to appreciate this game with the years because of its lore and characters, but what they did to its gameplay made no sense, it wasn’t necessary and just made feel like something strange, kinda cool but definitely not like gears.

A great ending for the first trilogy, with high emotional moments and reunions that still relevant and powerful today. The multiplayer and the horde 2.0 were valuable improvements to those modes, with fast movement and frenetic action, beast mode was fun but it doesn’t keep you interested for long. Brothers to the end will always have a place in my heart.

An improvement in every aspect, with the success of gears of war, this title focused and polished the plot of its campaign, creating and emotional and powerful story with moments so memorable that still resonate nowadays. The pinnacle of gears.

While nowadays it can seem antique and little bit rusty, it’s still a game that started a revolution in actions games, cover system, multiplayer, and brought with it and exciting story with characters with so much heart and personality that have even made us cry.