Fire emblem with tons more depth in terms of combat, great fantasy setting, and good easy to follow story.

After finishing i genuinely think this might be one of my favorite games of all time. So much build variety. A story that does exactly what it wants to do without trying too hard. Lovable and vibrant cast. Easily a top 5 game.

Coming back after finishing. This is one of the greatest games ive ever touched in my life and one of the very few pieces of media that made me uncontrollably cry. This game has genuinely changed my outlook on my life in such a time of darkness for me. A actual masterpiece to me and i will always cherish it as such.

Another childhood classic but i can admit it was p2w trash

Most overrated game of all time

Went back to it with an open mind its genuinely one of the worst games ive ever played in my life

Dont understand the hate this game got. my first ever borderlands

Staple of my childhood transformers hyper fixation