Incredible metroidvania. Fantastic combat, wonderful soundtrack and sound design, engaging exploration, this game really nailed (Pun intended?) everything it set out to do. Looking forward to Silksong assuming it ever actually releases.

Brought me back to the days when I first played Ace Combat 5 as a kid in high school. Such a fun experience, game certainly leans more into the arcade style of flying, but that's what makes it fun. Dog fights, stealth missions, air to ground combat, are all fantastic in this, I only wish I was better at it.

Easy achievements here, but the controls are super sluggish. Not something I would recommend.


Easy achievements wrapped up in a game that barely runs. I had crashes, glitches, and things not work throughout my ~30min playthrough. Not something I can recommend to anyone.

Another easy achievement game but had slightly more substance than most. Puzzles made me think a little more about them. Nothing groundbreaking, but a nice change of pace from the usual style of game in this area.

Spent countless hours as a kid trying to rack up high scores whenever I saw this installed on a computer.

Easy achievement bait. Low effort mobile game/shovel-ware gameplay.

Played for the quick achievements. Decent puzzles, nothing too noteworthy.

Game is visually stunning. Nothing but eye candy the entire way through. Weapons are all extremely fun to play around with as well, and give you plenty of options when approaching each combat section. The rocket boots are also one of my favorite gadgets in any game.

Was about 19 years late to this one, but finally got around to finishing this up recently. The variety in weapons and locations was fantastic, the guns all served different purposes and had a unique feel to them. Some of the game hasn't aged super well, mainly the UI and some controls, but that's to be expected. The game holds up pretty well all things considered and had I played this during its launch era, probably would've been one I looked back on with a lot of fondness.

A fun and engaging Escape Room Simulator, as the name would imply. I played through all the core rooms and found them to be pretty solid in terms of fun and difficulty. Certain puzzles made sense, while others made me think outside the box and question my own sanity at times. Looking forward to returning to this at some point to try the new rooms as they are added.

One of the best rougelike games I have played. This is not a game for everyone, as the bullet-hell mechanics are sure to put some people off. But if you enjoy those type of games, or are willing to try and "git gud" this game has so much to offer. Secrets, easter eggs, incredible references, all wrapped up with an awesome art style make this one of my favorite games of all time. Extremely proud to have 100% this one.

One of the first big open world RPG games I played and while I loved my time with it, it wasn't something that I craved going back to or needed to re-expereince. I got a little tired towards the end of the playthrough, but have to step back and admire what Bethesda was able to do with this game, considering the hardware it was released on.

Made some solid improvments to the first game, while still providing a decent enough story reason for a sequel. Quality of life changes helped me stick with this one a bit longer than the first, but after a while you've seen enough variants of each fight that its ok to step away. Solid DBZ game though.

Had a decent time playing through this, never went back to 100% everything because the grind was going to be way too repetitive, but the main story and playthrough were enjoyable. The 2nd game improves on a lot of the first's attempts so I would recommend that one over this.