It felt like the soul was gone when you look at this. Needed more time in the oven
With the expansion that bear dude is cool though

no strong feelings about this game, thought it was ight

Megas and going back to mone of my first regions is just such a vibe lol

Just felt like I paid full price for the same game so I didnt finish, probably why I don't usually buy these games in the franchise

When I first played it I didnt like it, but later on I grew to love it

Best hand held pokemon game on hend held imo

Felt like this was the step into a new age of pokemon, loved it

Fond memories of this game and my Marshtomp

Great start to a great series, I will say as much as people are die hard Gen 1ers, I think it could benefit from the new QoL things they add later

Needs a remake or sequel, I have been saying this for years
It is mario kart if it was set in a kirby world
I would play it much more if I could just play with friends or online
Looking back at every game I have played on Gamecube, this was probably my favorite

IMO best smash bros
They made sure to balance the game way better than any other title - I feel I can really pick anyone up and only feel disadvantaged in top level gameplay
Would have gotten 5 stars if WOL was less grindy and had more story beats to it

Will say I did cry when I saw the words "EVERYONE IS HERE"

Innovation of smash on the go. Will say if I wanted to do that noiw a days, I just grab my switch

Suffers the faults of smash WiiU but does get a bump up from smash run, screw the haters

Much needed breath of fresh air and a good change of pace for when it came out. Hard to go back to the game when there are better options
Smash tour over smash run is kind of an L
Also no subspace </3

Despite being the black sheep of smash bros, I think it gets more hate than it deserved
Subspace is game changing, and I wish it continued to use such story notes in the other games, thought it was very creative and fun
This is one of the games I did 100% as well so I will happily list it as completed