Very simple feature that should be incorporated more

I feel like the game is good, and they fixed a lot of funny (and not funny) glitches.
It is just a shame the lady I wanted my romance option for only likes women

IDK why PC isnt an option but I play it there

Great game, Funny, Lovely music, Boss battles are alright, PVP at the end of them
Great little comedic story. I just wish there was more to it/variety since every class plays basically the same

Unironically love this game
Ironically calls for needing multiple friends which i have none

I have a gambling addiction at the casino

It is a good game, just botched the launch for multiplayer
also I dont know how good an open world does for the flow of the story

Campaign is doggy doo doo, I just feel like this one lost the identity of what makes a Halo game. That being said, multiplayer is still good, just doesnt feel like Halo

Campaign is doggy doo doo, I just feel like this one lost the identity of what makes a Halo game. That being said, multiplayer is still good, just doesnt feel like Halo

Midnight released this bad boy
Shows that there are more bad ass spartans out there in the lore
Brought Halo into modern FPSlike environment while not sacrificing the identity of the game
Also a fun speed run

Good mood and change os perspective. It has done much for the H3 modding community