This sequel is just a messive W

One of the few good sport games out there

Mfw I liked Monika the whole time

Look, I am gonna say it and I know I will get hate

I did not like Terraria

Just overwatch 1 but decided they could make more money off a battle pass than lootboxes. I miss the lootboxes give them back

Was good until mobile games decided they needed to put Ads everywhere

Ill set the scene
It is COVID, I am chilling at my parent's house. Decide to buy animal crossing since everyone hyped it up. Binged the game 2 days straight just vibing and fishning n stuff. Mom swings by
"Oh wow, this is the first time I am seeing you not swear at a game or killing people"
great game

Better than the prior game, just does everything before and more

Fun game, brutal at times and I think it had an interesting story

Gmod is interesting to say the least
TBH I dont entirely understand it but I do know there are a lot of niche communities out there


makes me thirst for more