Souls like with guns, what else could you want? Best played with another person and a lot of built up aggression.

I can't believe how many people worked on this game. I hate this.

Somehow some dweeb managed to make a better sonic game than the original sonic games. I don't care regardless, this is the best official 2d sonic title I've played.

I beat the game on beginner but I don't think I want to do much more than that. Very impressive and fun, but my god monkey ball wasn't built for a dpad.

Hands down the best Horror RPG ever made and one of the best stories to come out of the japanese horror genre.

I loved the gameplay loop and grind in this one. The story is nothing special this time around, but you can never really go wrong with Batman Vs Superman (or can you?)

I'd pull this lever but I don't have arms, or a dad.

I sold my copy of this game when I was a kid and I should have kept it that way

This game is actually a significant improvement over both original lego star wars games. I don't think there were any levels that I actively disliked. The vehicle levels feel very responsive and aren't nearly as crazy, but that could be due to the grounded nature of indiana jones vs star wars. I think this is very close to the early lego formula perfected, which I think is very impressive for the third game in the franchise. I also love indiana jones so there's that.

This game is just so much fun. There's just a ton of love and care put into this game and I really liked it. The writing is pretty clever, there were several moments in this that made me laugh out loud. Other than some unreal engine jank and very minor camera issues I had a great time with this game.


After 3 days I finally beat the last zone just to prove to myself I could.

I'm the typing GOD dude get on my LEVEL dawg