April, 2024

6h 30m

Back on a brand new account, because I don't like my old having my deadname linked, yippee!!!
I will miss my old character, but at the same time, she was a co-op character so me had to go create a new account anyway xd

0h 55m


Great upgrade from the previous games so far, but my mood is so ass today (as every day the last few weeks) that this game is not good for my mental rn .w.


1h 0m

Tried out new patch out of boredom. Game still sucks. Just give me a way to play og and we good xd

1h 0m

Beat Father Cologne second try (first try me died a bit bullshitty :c) and then me went to the church and got absolutely mauled. Me forgot how to beat this boss, am I underleveled maybe? .w.


Played Co-op with gf for the first time >w<

1h 0m


Replaying Bloodborne to get to the DLC >:3


March, 2024



1h 0m

I should start playing something new and not just Genshin and Guilty Gear all the time.
I hate being depressed >:(
this game is unplayable xd
Not very cool irl stuff happened to my gf in the middle of a match :(((((

3h 58m


played a bit after my gf had to go and another fell asleep during GTFO X3
Edit: Finished it, first tried the last boss which was surprisingly easy :O
Very silly, funny game. I laughed out loud so many times X33


Beat up my gf as A.B.A and now feel bad :c


0h 29m

Finished Episode 1 again, because it's been a while since I first read it x>


4h 0m

Finished Chapter 2 Act I :3

2h 22m

Aba is sooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun >w<
Also tried Asuka, he isn't as complicated as I had thought :O

0h 23m


Friend wanted me to play it for a while, sooo here I am :3


0h 44m

Played R6C3 and gf hated it so much that she didn't wanna play anymore after failing once :'>

2h 35m

Also my controller is giving up and I'm currently switching to keyboard controls for more consistent inputs :'>


1h 8m


FINALLY started reading this after feeling depressed and not knowing what to do .w.
Now I wanted to read more, but I'm getting eepy reading this at 8pm .wc


Instant Checkpoint Reload upon falling down or into spikes is lame and annoying >:(