Steam Next Fest - February 2024

A list of the demos I tried this Next Fest :3
Ranked by how much I enjoyed the demo and interest in the full game .w.
I might put a rating on each game, but it shouldn't be taken too seriously x>

Yeah.. nah. Let's not X3

Mario Party with big booba bunny girl and you can kill your opponents... kinda.
It's silly and cute but not much else x>

An okay metroidvania.
It tackles a few before-seen ideas, combines them, but then doesn't make something very interesting.
The base building seems like an okay idea, but starts off very boring and it's hard to see it becoming more interesting (except for maybe when the decorating starts, that's always fun x3).
I didn't play far into the demo, maybe it gets better later on, but the 40 minutes I played were really mediocre :I



Now what did I just play o.o
It kinda intrigues me though X3

Hollowknight-like with a few rough edges and a weird beginning (A lot of Chinese games are like that, what's up with that)
But the core gameplay is really good, combat is fun and satisfying :)

Okay, it is quality wise and in actually anything-wise worse than Astral Party and Never Grave, but I just enjoyed the game more X3
It's so silly and non-sensical and I still have no idea what I did to this tree for it to call upon Zeus to destroy me - a little girl with a bunny plushie.
Point is... i don't know what the point is. I liked this more than the games below it despite its obvious lack in quality xd

Despite it very clearly wanting to be Age of Empires but Touhou, it plays pretty much the exact same as Warcraft X3
Although I haven't played Age of Empires actually, so maybe it is closer to that game, but to me it felt very Warcraft .w.
I don't know why, but I like this game x>
You control your silly army building silly stuff and whenever you command them or they die, they just make the cutest, silliest noises >w<
It's not very professionally made or interesting, but it's silly fun ^-^

This iiiis interesting? O.O
It's very oddly unique and fun, both with its presentation and gameplay.
Me recommend :)

This Next Fest has a lot of unique games I feel like :O
I can imagine this game becoming really challenging really quickly, but it's also really fun marking out a perfect route and playthrough of each stage :3c



iiiiiiit's... interesting?
Hard to make an opinion out of this demo, I'm not sure why.
The only thing I'm certain about is that the chase sequences suck ass xd

Charming, cute, good looking and feeling platformer :)
I don't have much to say, it's just silly fun ^-^

Oh heyyy, a visual noveeel :D
It's charming, looks cute, but the story doesn't really take off in the demo, but that makes sense x>
I'm actually looking forward to this :3c

The demo might not have a lot of the survival horror gameplay happening before it ends, but what the demo has, like its really cool atmosphere, make it really interesting to me and I'm looking forward to it :3

This Next Fest seems to be packed with interesting and unique feeling games :O
A long drive through an exclusion zone which is constantly changing with a car that has a crush on you.
Imma just leave it at that.

Oh hell yeah this fucks.
This sensory overload of a game is so fun to play and has such a cool aesthetic :3c

This game hits the spot for me.
The story is already intriguing me, the art style feels super unique and the gameplay is, despite it feeling a little unresponsive, really fun and making long combos and timing parries is really... fun :3

Edit: I just found out that it's a sequel? :O
Might check out the previous game!!!

I've had this game on my radar for a while and I'm happy I finally tried it out.
Fun combat
cool, unique looking artstyle
d o d g e r o l l s

So it got everything I like :3c
The first boss fight might feel a tiny bit unfair due to his attacks' hitboxes, but still feels very satisfying learning the mechanics and beating him :>
And getting into PvP is a bit hard, since you have to gear up and easily get run over -w-'
Oh yeah, it has PvP. And PvE, it has Co-op :O
Yeah that's normal for Souls-likes, but I mean like proper Co-op. I really like co-op games, so I love when it's there :3

Oki this is very unstructured, I need to learn how to write proper, readable texts sometime. Anyway, good game, big recommend, can't wait for it to fully release :3c



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