Unironically if this had rollback, it would be a great competitive game. A great step forward to arena fighters, way better than the Naruto Storm games, this one actually requires you to at least think a little bit before mashing buttons.

They left a bunch of my favorite characters out, still it is - although braindead - really fun to mash some buttons with characters you like. The best One Piece musou until now.

If it weren't for the messy release of the game, this would probably be held as the best Assassin's Creed game ever.

Not as bad as people make it out to be, not worth full price though. If you are like me and want to kill some time repeating stuff, this is for you. I would call this game the equivalent of musous to western.

Masterpiece rigged by SNK itself.

SNK tried and being honest i believe they delivered. Some small stuff comes together to create a bigger issue and unfortunately SNK haven't addressed these issues almost one year after the release. Even so it still isn't nowhere as good as SamSho 2019.

Almost perfect balance between casual and traditional fighting games. Needless to say the OST slaps in every Guilty Gear so i won't count this as a extra point.

The game is fun, very unbalanced but fun, i believe it will be even better as the years come by.

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Played this back in the day in a 360, hell yeah it was fun as fuck. I went in not knowing how the game works and probably killed everyone when the option to unsheathe katana appeared in my first playthrough and got a terrible ending. That's something really great from this series, even though 4 was kind of lackluster.

Back in 2007? Probably 5 stars. Nowadays? 3 stars is good enough. I played the remaster of it, crashing a lot, the gunplay wasn't good, the lack of NPCs was weird. It does have a great point in telling a story though and i respect the hell out of it for what it was trying to do at its time. Also the atmosphere of it is absurdly amazing even by these days standards.

A man chooses.

Fun for the time, but it really didn't aged well.

The greatest fighting game of all time, no cap. If you don't have money to have a good PC but you can handle Fightcade, you absolutely should give it a try, it's free, speak up with your friends and try some matches. This is the get-go from modern fighting games.

At launch it was the most fun i ever had with a fighting game. Unfortunately the developers screwed up the game every single patch and it state as of right now it's simply abandoned. I hope Super comes back soon though and this game revives.

The fighting game i most played in my life - the best one? Nah. But it is a solid entry for sure. I had a lot of fun and i would be unfair giving it a low score.

As now in the end of the game, i would say it is balanced, it took a little too much time but Capcom balanced it, pretty much every character is good. If you have a good enough PC you should definitely try it, it is a perfect entry to your first fighting game.

One of the worst games i have ever had the unpleasure of playing.