Amazing first half, terrible second half, it was almost like doing a chore. Never played other "Tales of" before, it should've ended when it had the chance. If you like cliché anime, this is for you. At least the character interactions are top tier until the end, undeniably the best thing this game has.


A masterpiece in what it tries to do, so yeah it's a 10/10 for me. Every character is compelling, the cutscenes are amazing, the OST is amazing, the twist is amazing and i am not even a fan of "RPG Maker" games, this is simply just so good. Immersive and fun. Also really bittersweet towards the end but i wouldn't say that it is depressive, actually depending on the POV it might be the "happiest" ending our characters could have given the situation.

Still baffled this lost to GOW as Game of The Year 2018. This aside, i dropped this game in 2018 because i was having a way too fast lifestyle and the game indeed starts very slow, you don't get no fast travels, you don't go out shooting people without consequences, it's a very linear game, even so, i would say as of right now it is the most beautiful game i have ever played. It is like investing money, you will need to give some time to the game, but you will receive a huge payoff. I think the epilogue wasn't quite on par with the main story and i think it didn't needed to be shown, i feel like it's almost a free DLC, but you need to end the epilogue so the credits start rolling and i am not ending a game without the credits rolling. This is a must play - if you have a lot of free time -.

Back when i was young, wild and free i got this game, i didn't completed Fallout 3 but this seemed like something different. It's one of my favorite games of all time and it couldn't be better even if Obsidian had more time on their hands. This is a must-play for anyone, it's fun, intriguing and thought-provoking.

Storywise: the best story i have ever experienced in a game, everything simply rhymes incredibly well and i have the firm belief that if this got adapted in a movie/tv series, it would be a hit.

Gameplay: at the time it was different for sure, the - brief - revival of point & clicks was great, it isn't that deep but the game was sold on it's story alone.

I still believe this should've been a standalone game with the ending up in the air, as the other seasons quite doesn't honor this one.

It's really hard to get into this game without knowing what happens, but you should give it a try. I replayed this game more than 8x since 2012 and i always have the same reaction at the ending.

Absolute masterpiece, don't really need to elaborate here.

One of my favorite games of all time and it shows why, of course it may not be a shadow of the former OG Deus Ex but i love the story and the freedom you have so much. I never asked for this - indeed - but this is such a good experience with imsims.

I would say this is more than a game, it's a therapy. It got into my hands when i was really needing something other to give my thoughts to, and this game was it. F2P, amazing graphics, a great story, probably the nicest cast of characters i have ever seen in a game and the gacha system - which mind you, isn't even obligatory - isn't that predatory. It has a pity system and yeah, it's simply a good time overall. It's "live service" games done right.

A lot of potential thrown away. Even so, it is still the best mainline game in the series. I highely recommend "Mad Maxine" video on Youtube by youtuber "E;R", really funny video and it pretty much sums the story.

One of the worst games i have ever had the unpleasure of playing.

The fighting game i most played in my life - the best one? Nah. But it is a solid entry for sure. I had a lot of fun and i would be unfair giving it a low score.

As now in the end of the game, i would say it is balanced, it took a little too much time but Capcom balanced it, pretty much every character is good. If you have a good enough PC you should definitely try it, it is a perfect entry to your first fighting game.

At launch it was the most fun i ever had with a fighting game. Unfortunately the developers screwed up the game every single patch and it state as of right now it's simply abandoned. I hope Super comes back soon though and this game revives.

The greatest fighting game of all time, no cap. If you don't have money to have a good PC but you can handle Fightcade, you absolutely should give it a try, it's free, speak up with your friends and try some matches. This is the get-go from modern fighting games.

Fun for the time, but it really didn't aged well.

Back in 2007? Probably 5 stars. Nowadays? 3 stars is good enough. I played the remaster of it, crashing a lot, the gunplay wasn't good, the lack of NPCs was weird. It does have a great point in telling a story though and i respect the hell out of it for what it was trying to do at its time. Also the atmosphere of it is absurdly amazing even by these days standards.

A man chooses.